Page 63 - Annual Report 2022
P. 63

1     Banka Kombëtare Tregtare     Annual Report 2022

          Banka Kombëtare Tregtare Sh.a.
          Consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2022
          (Amounts in USD)

                                                  Notes           31 December 2022             31 December 2021

          Cash and balances with Central Bank       7                       537,491,661              536,369,185
          Placement and balances with banks         8                       473,902,012              557,373,773
          Investment securities                     9                    2,911,791,378              2,558,621,973
          Loans to banks                           10                       145,894,324              138,246,339
          Loans to customers                       11                    1,383,681,949              1,310,598,335
          Investment in associates                 12                           1,090,943                933,964
          Property and equipment                   13                         42,260,800              46,739,395
          Intangible assets                        14                           7,434,937              4,133,568
          Right of use asset                       15                         14,838,905              17,683,050
          Deferred tax assets                      20                         12,918,087               2,347,752
          Other assets                             16                         56,677,071              59,482,349
          Total assets                                                5,587,982,067                5,232,529,683

          Liabilities and shareholder’s equity

          Customer deposits                        17                 4,591,435,866                 4,182,176,123
          Due to banks and financial institutions  18                       305,784,334              372,945,259
          Due to third parties                     19                           4,294,958              1,943,486
          Accruals and other liabilities           21                         77,855,311              73,366,947
          Lease Liability                          15                         14,449,939              17,724,874
          Subordinated debt                        22                         50,319,179              28,405,688
          Total liabilities                                           5,044,139,587                4,676,562,377

          Shareholder’s equity
          Share capital                            23                       300,000,000              300,000,000
          Legal reserve                            23                         60,093,852              52,315,511
          Translation reserve                      23                           4,182,671             (2,358,124)
          Fair value reserve and impairment of FVOCI  23                (28,093,813)                  44,542,840
          Retained earnings                        23                   207,659,770                  161,467,079
          Total shareholder’s equity                                    543,842,480                  555,967,306
          Total liabilities and shareholder’s equity                  5,587,982,067                5,232,529,683

          The consolidated statement of financial position is to be read in conjunction with the notes to and forming part of the
          consolidated financial statements set out on pages 6 to 89.

          The consolidated financial statements were authorised for release by the Board of Directors on 27 January 2023 and signed on
          its behalf by:

                   Seyhan Pencabligil                                         Skënder Emini
                   CEO and Board Member                                       Head of Finance Group
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