Page 105 - Annual Report 2023
P. 105

ANNUAL REPORT 2023      36
                               Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2023
                                                                           (amounts in USD, unless otherwise stated)

          The following table sets out the changes in in gross carrying amount of financial assets where impairment requirements apply (other
          than loans to customers).

          Reconciliation of the accumulated impairment allowance of financial assets where impairment requirements apply
          (other than loans to customers)
          31 December 2023              Due from Banks                       Investment Securities at FVOCI
                              Stage 1    Stage 2    Stage 3    Total             Stage 1    Stage 2    Stage 3    Total
          Balance at 1      1,442,318      -          -   1,442,318   2,561,734  5,802,980  24,659,086  33,023,800
          January 2023

          Transfer to Stage 1      -       -          -          -          -           -          -          -
          (from 2 or 3)
          Transfer to Stage 2      -        -         -          -    (312,214)   312,214          -          -
          (from 1 or 3)
          Transfer to Stage 3      -        -         -          -          -   (3,046,315)  4,500,759  1,454,444
          (from 1 or 2)
          New financial
          assets originated or   954,106    -         -     954,106    432,180          -          -     432,180
          Derecognition of   (959,551)      -         -    (959,551)  (675,289)         -          -    (675,289)
          financial assets
          Reclassification of      -        -         -          -          -           -          -          -
          Write-offs               -        -         -          -          -           -          -          -
          Changes in models/  56,156        -         -      56,156    925,943   1,877,904  6,688,848   9,492,695
          risk parameters
          Foreign exchange and   40,032     -         -      40,032   (237,707)    19,082     906,769    688,144
          other movements
          Allowance at 31    1,533,061      -         -      1,533,061     2,694,647      4,965,865    36,755,462    44,415,974
          December 2023

          31 December 2023   Debt Investment Securities at amortised cost  Loan Commitments and financial guarantee contracts
                              Stage 1    Stage 2    Stage 3    Total    Stage 1    Stage 2    Stage 3       Total
          Balance at 1      4,528,553  2,870,605  3,439,597  10,838,755  522,566        -          -     522,566
          January 2023

          Transfer to Stage 1      -        -         -          -          -           -          -          -
          (from 2 or 3)
          Transfer to Stage 2      -        -         -          -          -           -          -          -
          (from 1 or 3)
          Transfer to Stage 3      -        -         -          -          -           -          -          -
          (from 1 or 2)
          New financial
          assets originated or   3,331,652  -         -    3,331,652   362,867     20,052      45,342    428,261
          Derecognition of   (572,237)  (11,524)      -    (583,761)  (186,541)         -          -    (186,541)
          financial assets
          Reclassification of      -        -         -          -                                            -
          Write-offs               -        -         -          -          -           -          -          -
          Changes in models/  5,514,913 (2,962,881)  1,967,292  4,519,324  104,035      -          -     104,035
          risk parameters
          Foreign exchange and   1,163,456  103,800  97,717  1,364,973  28,228          -          -      28,228
          other movements
          Allowance at 31   13,966,337     -   5,504,606  19,470,943   831,155     20,052      45,342    896,549
          December 2023
   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110