Page 107 - BKT Annual Report 2023 EN
P. 107

ANNUAL REPORT 2023      38
                               Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2023
                                                                           (amounts in USD, unless otherwise stated)

          iii. Credit quality analysis

          The following table sets out information about the credit quality of loan to customers in 2023 by asset quality at amortised cost. Unless
          specifically indicated, for financial assets, the amounts in the table represent gross carrying amounts.

                                       Stage 1                                        Stage 2
          December   Non Past                                Total   Non Past                              Total
          2023                Past due    Total Allowance  Carrying          Past due    Total Allowance  Carrying
                         Due                                           Due
                                                           Amount                                        Amount
          lending   754,334,034   38,393,036   792,727,070   3,696,582   789,030,488   3,311,762   13,040,971   16,352,733   1,034,141   15,318,592
          Mortgage  464,392,963   27,351,980   491,744,943   1,688,399   490,056,544   2,703,764   9,372,186   12,075,950   797,604   11,278,346
          Consumer  276,563,243   9,871,770   286,435,013   1,826,399   284,608,614   607,851   3,459,622   4,067,473   212,032   3,855,441
          Credit cards  13,377,828   1,169,286   14,547,114   181,784   14,365,330   147   209,163   209,310   24,505   184,805
          Corporate   744,893,042   28,040,571   772,933,613   14,204,105   758,729,508   60,500,087   55,019,638   115,519,725   16,623,583   98,896,142
          Corporate  607,756,503   17,550,117   625,306,620   11,777,606   613,529,014   55,381,044   49,070,154   104,451,198   15,887,929   88,563,269
          SME        92,609,388   6,752,698   99,362,086   1,562,507   97,799,579   2,935,517   4,576,828   7,512,345   456,875   7,055,470
          Micro      44,527,151   3,737,756   48,264,907   863,992   47,400,915   2,183,526   1,372,656   3,556,182   278,779   3,277,403
          Total    1,499,227,076   66,433,607  1,565,660,683   17,900,687  1,547,759,996   63,811,849   68,060,609   131,872,458   17,657,724   114,214,734
          balance          -        -         -    106,727
          Retail Credit    -        -         -     78,557
          Business         -        -         -     28,170
          Credit cards

                                                                Stage 3
          31 December                                                                       Total net    Value of
          2023                                                             Total Carrying
                         Non Past Due    Past due        Total   Allowance                 amount at   discounted
                                                                                       amortised cost   collateral
          Retail lending     2,428,219    8,470,714   10,898,933   4,673,637    6,225,296   810,574,376   929,497,041

          Mortgage           1,963,548    3,344,313   5,307,861    1,190,394    4,117,467   505,452,357   667,747,428
          Consumer            409,962     4,167,564   4,577,526    2,862,290    1,715,236   290,179,291   261,749,613

          Credit cards         54,709      958,837    1,013,546     620,953      392,593    14,942,728         -
          lending           17,324,449   22,850,212   40,174,661   14,238,976   25,935,685   883,561,335   1,903,643,532
          Corporate         14,271,469   13,611,077   27,882,546   9,224,064   18,658,482   720,750,765   1,438,085,636
          SME                2,208,569    3,120,170   5,328,739    1,989,682    3,339,057   108,194,106   311,709,967

          Micro               844,411     6,118,965   6,963,376    3,025,230    3,938,146   54,616,464   153,847,929
          Total             19,752,668   31,320,926   51,073,594   18,912,613   32,160,981   1,694,135,711   2,833,140,573

          Past due related to each stage is referred as follows:
          Stage 1: Past due 1-30 DPD, otherwise Non Past Due, Stage 2: Past due 31-90 DPD, otherwise Non Past Due, Stage 3: Past due over 90 DPD,
          otherwise Non Past Due.
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