Page 22 - BKT Annual Report 2023 EN
P. 22




                       BKT recognizes the critical importance of strong corporate governance practices in fostering trust, integrity,
                       and accountability within the company. Our commitment to upholding the highest standards of corporate
                       governance is fundamental to our operations and integral to our long-term success and imbedded in the core
                       internal regulatory framework like the BKT Code of Business Ethics, BKT Committees functions and organization,
                       Compliance, Audit and Risk Management Policies.

                       COMPLIANCE AND ETHICS
                       BKT adheres to a strict code of conduct and ethics that governs the behavior of all employees, managers,
                       executives, and stakeholders. The Compliance function monitors compliance with applicable laws, regulations,
                       and internal policies, promoting a culture of integrity, transparency, and accountability throughout the company.
                       We are committed to conducting business ethically and responsibly, with a focus on building trust and maintaining
                       the confidence of our customers, shareholder, and regulatory requirements.

                       SHAREHOLDER ENGAGEMENT
                       We value the input and feedback of our shareholder and stakeholders and actively engage with them to
                       understand their concerns, perspectives, and expectations. We maintain open channels of communication and
                       we are committed to fostering constructive dialogue and transparency in our interactions with shareholders,
                       recognizing their role as essential partners in our success.

                       TRANSPARENCY AND DISCLOSURE
                       We are committed to providing transparent and timely disclosure of financial and non-financial information to our
                       stakeholders. Our annual reports and corporate communications are prepared in accordance with applicable
                       regulations and industry standards. We strive to provide clear, accurate, and comprehensive information that
                       enables stakeholders to make informed decisions about their involvement with BKT.

                       CONFLICT OF INTEREST
                       Throughout BKT the risk of Conflict of Interest is strictly monitored and managed. In order to mitigate such
                       risk within the company, a detailed internal regulatory framework was implemented along with monitoring
                       processes, controls, assessment procedures and mandatory legal documents provisions. Any instance / event
                       where Conflict of interest risk is identified is escalated to the appropriate decision-making body or directly to
                       the Board of Directors.

                       In conclusion, BKT remains steadfast in its commitment to maintaining strong corporate governance practices
                       that uphold the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability. We believe that effective
                       governance is essential for building trust, enhancing shareholder value, and sustaining long-term success in
                       the banking industry.
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