Page 23 - BKT Annual Report 2023 EN
P. 23

ANNUAL REPORT 2023      23


           The Board of Directors is responsible for decision-making and supervision of BKT and also   Members of the Board of Directors
           regularly reviews and assesses the governance structures to ensure they are consistent,   Mehmet Usta, Chairman
           both in form and in substance, with requirements and best practices. It approves and
           control the implementation of the policies and strategies of the bank in connection with   Serdar Sümer, Vice Chairman
           the business plan, risk management and annual budget, setting out long-term objectives   Seyhan Pencabligil, Member/CEO
           of the bank and monitoring their realization and effectiveness of management practices   Galip Tözge, Member
           in the bank. Board of Directors monitor and supervise implementation of legal and   Mert Turgut Çalik, Member
           regulatory requirements and of the best practices in banking system, etc.

           The Audit Committee supervises accounting procedures and internal control of the   Members of Audit Committee
           bank, including the procedures defined by the Bank of Albania, and supervises the
           implementation of these procedures as well as audits the bank accounts and respective   Mehmet Usta, Chairman
           registrations. Considers internal audit reports and monitors the way conclusions from   Serdar Sümer, Member
           such reports are dealt with. Evaluates the financial situation of the bank based on the   Hysen Çela, Member
           report of the statutory auditor. Controls compliance of the activity of the bank with laws
           and bylaws and notifies the Board of Directors of the bank about the conclusions. etc.

           The Risk Committee assists the Board of Directors on the implementation and oversight   Members of Risk Committee
           of an effective risk management framework, approval of primary risk procedures, review of   Galip Tözge, Chairman
           the analysis and reporting established by management and approval of current and future
           risk appetite. The risk committee oversees and review, on a comprehensive approach,   Serdar Sümer, Member
           versus aspects of the risk management and review regularly the major risk exposure of   Ndue Maluta, Member
           the bank including but not limited to credit risk, market risk, operational risk, liquidity risk,
           and legal risk. etc.

           The Committee holds functions to advise and make recommendations to the Board of   Members of Remuneration
           Directors in the matter of remuneration and incentives for executive and non- executive   Committee
           members of the Board of Directors, the CEO and Executives, as per regulation no. 63   Serdar Sümer, Chairman
           “On basic principles of management of banks and branches of foreign banks and criteria   Galip Tözge, Member
           for approval of their administrators” by establishing a remuneration policy. Provides its
           support and advice to the BoD on the design of the bank’s remuneration policy and   Mert Turgut Çalik, Member
           reviews periodically the remuneration policies and practices, in order to reflect the changes
           in the financial situation of the bank and shall be responsible for their implementation.
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