Page 25 - BKT Annual Report 2023 EN
P. 25
BKT aims at having a balanced selective capital and in challenging circumstances, supports the bank
liquidity allocation between lending and treasury to identify its risks and to adhere to its values and
activities under a geographically balanced model with principles of highest ethical standards. It is everyone’s
the objective to maximize the return and value within responsibility to contribute to the sound risk culture
policy constraints that address liquidity and market of organization.
value volatility. BKT promotes a culture of integrity and high ethical
Clear governance structure, policies and procedures standards. We aim for a high level of competence and
support the creation of a sound risk culture. The risk support each-other by sharing information, skills and
culture is created by day-to-day actions and the way experiences. We have strong risk awareness, and we
the key decisions are made and communicated. critically review and challenge the existing practices.
Cooperation and constructive dialogue are part of We foster an atmosphere where constructive
the sound risk culture, as they foster an environment challenging is a natural part of discussions and
of open communication to reach common goals. A decisions on risk-taking, risk awareness and risk
sound risk culture enables to do the right thing even culture.