Page 149 - Annual Report 2022
P. 149

87    Banka Kombëtare Tregtare     Annual Report 2022

          Banka Kombëtare Tregtare Sh.a.
          Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended
          31 December 2022 (Amounts in USD, unless otherwise stated)

          32. Income tax (continued)
          The tax on profit before tax differs from the theoretical amount that would arise using the basic tax rate as follows:

                                                                          31 December 2022       31 December 2021
          Profit before taxes                                                  121,248,974            107,839,968
          Computed tax using statutory tax rate of 15 %                         14,961,309             13,078,310
          Effect of tax rates in foreign jurisdictions at 10%                    2,017,769              1,830,315
          Non tax deductible expenses                                              (67,437)              (177,527)
          Foreign exchange difference                                             (977,944)                15,974
          Income tax                                                            15,933,697             14,747,072
          Effective tax rate                                                       13.14%                13.67%
          33. Related party transactions

          In accordance with IAS 24 “Related Party Disclosures”, a related party is any party that has the ability to control the other party
          or exercise significant influence over the other party in making financial and operating decisions.
          Identity of related parties
          The Bank has related party relationships with its shareholders and affiliates, directors and executive officers. The Bank’s sole
          shareholder is Calik Holding at 100% as at 31 December 2022. The ultimate controlling party is Mr. Ahmet Calik. ALBtelecom
          Sh.a., Aktif Yatirim Bankasi A.S. (“AktifGroup”), ArkEstate Investments, Kosovo Electricity Distribution and Supply Company
          J.S.C (KEDS) and Kosovo Electricity Supply Company J.S.C (KESCO) are controlled by Calik Holding. Albania Leasing sh.a
          represent an affiliate of the Group. On March 4th, 2022, following the approval of the Albanian authorities, 4iG Plc. acquired 80.27
          percent stake from Çalik Holding in ALBtelecom.
          Balances and transactions with related parties

                                                                          31 December 2022       31 December 2021
          Placement and balances with banks:
          Current accounts with Aktifbank                                          112,198                91,592
          Placements with Aktifbank                                             14,940,217                    -
          Investment Securities with Calik Holding                              18,892,512                    -
          Loans to customers:
          Albtelecom                                                                    -              38,148,737
          Albania Leasing                                                               -                  3,212
          ArkEstate                                                              5,568,248                    -
          Other assets:
          Receivables from Albtelecom Sh.a                                              -                 10,311
          Total assets                                                          39,513,175             38,253,852
          Due to banks and financial institutions:
          Borrowings from Aktifbank                                             15,080,244             18,005,053
          Customer deposits:
          Albtelecom Sh.a.                                                              -                469,039
          Albania Leasing                                                           79,420               112,499
          KEDS / KESCO                                                          19,057,455             22,876,105
          Other Liabilities:
          Dividend Payable to Calik Holding                                     50,000,000             45,000,000
          Total liabilities                                                     84,217,119             86,462,696
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