Page 148 - Annual Report 2022
P. 148

Banka Kombëtare Tregtare     Annual Report 2022  86

           Banka Kombëtare Tregtare Sh.a.
           Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended
           31 December 2022 (Amounts in USD, unless otherwise stated)

           30. Administrative expenses
           Administrative expenses are composed as follows:

                                                                                  Year ended             Year ended
                                                                            31 December 2022       31 December 2021
            Credit/debit cards expenses                                           12,744,641             10,884,160
            Deposit insurance expense                                             10,670,735             10,961,000
            Telephone, electricity and IT expenses                                 3,621,235              3,842,384
            Repairs and maintenance                                                3,377,371              3,168,802
            Marketing expenses                                                     2,888,615              1,342,222
            Other external services (including external audit fees)                2,650,700              3,059,406
            Security and insurance expenses                                        1,828,920              1,728,314
            Extraordinary fund expenses                                            1,711,200              1,722,767
            Taxes other than tax on profits                                         961,197                244,193
            Transportation and business related travel                              715,606                565,517
            Office stationery and supplies                                          363,966                298,784
            Representation expenses                                                 308,412                198,075
             Lease payments                                                          73,045                140,376
            Sundry                                                                 1,902,030              1,782,158
                                                                                  43,817,673             39,938,158
           The law No. 25/2018 On Accounting and Financial Reporting requires the disclosure of the Audit fee related to the Statutory
           Audit. The expense for statutory audit included in the Other external services (including external audit fees) amounts to USD
           31. Impairment of financial assets, other than loans to customers

           Movements in the allowance for impairment financial assets other than loan:
                                                                               31 December 2022    31 December 2021

            At 1 January                                                              9,584,090          9,081,196
            Impairment charge/(reversal) for the period                              36,098,059           1,017,690
            - on investment securities                                              36,219,706             853,544
            - on placements                                                              7,369             (36,120)
            - on loans to banks                                                         10,829             380,912
            - on other assets                                                          (139,845)           (180,646)
            Translation difference                                                      145,290            (514,796)
            At the end of the period                                                 45,827,439          9,584,090
           32. Income tax
           Income tax is comprised of:
                                                                                  Year ended             Year ended
                                                                            31 December 2022       31 December 2021
            Current income tax                                                     16,515,803            14,855,204
            Deferred tax (income)/expense (note 20)                                 (582,106)             (108,132)
                                                                                  15,933,697             14,747,072
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