Page 27 - Annual Report 2022
P. 27
In view of increasing the Bank’s share of Business new platform improving customer interaction and
loans and reaching a higher class of Business onboarding customer experience in branches or
customers, in 2022 BKT launched a new initiative through online channels has been developed and
to support start-up MSMEs with the aim of has entered its pilot phase. This platform is expected
unlocking access to finance for start-ups and new to be fully operational for all branches in February
entrepreneurs. The purpose of the Micro & SME 2023.
Start-Up loan facility (a partial credit guarantee
facility) is to encourage eligible Micro and SME International Money Transfer: To increase the
business customers who have expressed an interest Bank’s market share and build solid partnerships
in financing but do not have a financial track record with our customers, trying to provide them with
or sufficient collateral for access to financing. business solutions while remaining competitive, in in
the begining of 2023 we are launching International
We continued to invest in our digital capabilities, and Money Transfer via Business E-Banking for all
we simplified online journeys with the ultimate aim Business customers. The new product is designed
of making it simpler and most effective to conduct to fulfil all technical and legal issues stipulated by
business via our digital platform and channels. the BOA and is based on the legal and regulatory
During 2022, online users increased by 24%. Use of framework of AML.
debit cards showed a positive trend by an increase
of 31%. Increased limit of online transactions for business
customers: We have decided to increase the
We launched the following new facilities: maximum limit for online channels based on
E-invoice service: Since July 2021, customers have customer segmentation. By doing so, we aim to
been able to pay E-Invoices through the fiscalization increase online transactions and to give customers
menu in Business E-banking and BKT Smart. greater opportunity to channel their payments
Actually, 61% of the E-Invoice payments are handled through our online platforms.
by online channels. In this period, we are focused Retail Banking
on improving this process and on adding multiple
payments for E-Invoices from online channels. By the end of 2022, the Retail segment of the loan
portfolio reached a value of USD 412.9 million.
In February 2022 we launched Web service with Mortgage loans reached a value of USD 331.9
ISSH: Through this new project approximately
23,500 pensioners receive their social benefits million, while Consumer loans reached a total value
through BKT. The pension is credited directly to the of USD 81.04 million. 2022 has been quite an
retiree account in real time within the day. important year as the retail loan portfolio has grown
21% in nominal terms. As a result, the Bank’s market
Business Customer Onboarding in PEGA: The share for retail loans has been increased to 18.18%.