Page 28 - Annual Report 2022
P. 28

During 2022, retail loan disbursements increased      through push-up messages. A great campaign was
           around 50% compared to 2021. 2022 was a               initiated for mortgage loans in EUR currency with
           successful year in terms of mortgage lending. A       financing up to 100% with a 1% interest rate in the
           new product was launched with 100% financing of       first year.
           the investment value, with the best interest rate in
           the market, starting from 1% in the first year, 2% in   Another campaign for mortgage loan products was
           the second year, 3% in the third, and then a floating   launched through the Habitus Television program,
           interest rate formula for mortgage loans in EUR       which focused on real estate transactions in Albania.
           currency. The product, targeting first-time home      In this TV program, BKT representatives have
           buyers as well as households willing to invest in a   participated as staff members of M&CFD and also
           second home as a holiday home or country house,       as branch staff. In each episode we have arranged
           has stirred up great interest, increasing the demand   the advertising of each mortgage loan product.
           for mortgage loans.                                   We have continued to be active in mortgage lending
                                                                 through the subsidized housing  program financed
           On the mortgage  lending side,  an important  and     by the Ministry of Finance and Economy. We have
           challenging project was the Merchant Channel, a       been quite active in this project as we offer very fast
           new mortgage channel created to increase mortgage     loan procedures due to our past experience in the
           loans sales via collaboration with construction       housing projects.
           companies and real estate companies. A pre-
           approval form and collaboration agreement was         During 2022 we successfully held the market leader
           designed in the framework of the new mortgage         position in terms of card payments and acceptance.
           channel. A pre-approval is being issued to each       Our acquiring business has developed and grown
           customer through alternative communication            beyond all expectations, gaining more than 65% of
           channels at the moment the customer is at the         the market both in terms of POS terminal numbers
           direct sale point, in the construction company or real   and volume. Meanwhile, we have maintained a
           estate office.                                        leading position in the credit card market. On the
                                                                 technology  side,  we  have  quite  important  and
           In the framework of implementing the new Loan         challenging projects  underway, such as prepaid
           Origination System (comprised of the PEGA system      cards, in-application payments, QR payments, a
           and FICO module), during 2022 we worked on            card-on-file feature, pre-personalized debit card
           the implementation of the Overdraft Product in        applications, and a totally new form of credit card
           PEGA with two pilot phases—in April 2022 with 10      application and approval which will automate and
           branches and then in July 2022 with 15 branches.      move the existing flow from branches into digital
           The automatic decision by PEGA was done precisely     channels.
           based on the customer’s data, and the documents
           were  generated  correctly  in  respective  formats.  In   Total POS volume compared with the previous year
           collaboration with the IT Applications Development    experienced a growth of almost 50%, reaching
           Department in October 2022, the Overdraft Product     a  total  of  EUR  217  million.  The  same  significant
           in PEGA has gone live. Through the New Loan           growth  occurred  on  the  debit  card  side,  as  the
           Origination System, PEGA for the Overdraft product    trend of using debit cards only for cash transactions
           is able to perform automatic evaluation, automatic    changed significantly. Debit card sales transactions
           decision-making, and finalization of the overdraft    during 2022 reached a volume of EUR 94 million, an
           request, leading to shorter processing time, faster   almost  50%  increase  compared  with  the  previous
           responses, fewer operational mistakes and auditable   year.
                                                                 The growth  in POS  terminals allocation  and  new
           During 2022, in collaboration with CRM and Digital    merchant acquisition has been exceptional. During
           Banking Department we continued the promotion of      the year we managed to install 2,135 new POS
           retail loan products via several campaigns on social   terminals by having an activation ratio of more than
           media, television spots, and radio spots, as well as   70%.
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