Page 38 - Annual Report 2022
P. 38

to utilize their authority delegated to restructure the   level. Related to the effects that COVID-19 has had
           uncollateralized loans in Branch Limit, to anticipate   during 2022, we can say that in terms of operational
           the impaired repayment ability of customers.          risk  it  has  not  registered  any  material  loss.  The
                                                                 events related to the most problematic issues have
           RMG continued to play a pivotal role in identifying   been followed up and respective measures have
           and closely monitoring the key risks, designing and   been taken. The geopolitical shock had no direct
           offering our customers tailor-made and affordable     impact on operational risk. If we refer to internal
           recovery solutions in line with their situation,      control measures on enhancing the risk mitigation,
           expectations, and payment possibilities. Acting
           proactively on the fundamentals of a close customer
           follow-up, for specific old nonperforming customers,
           a more specific approach is followed, while in cases
           of exhausted efforts to retrieve the outstanding debt
           or reach a payment agreement, legal procedures for
           collateral enforcement are followed as the only way
           to move forward with nonresponsive customers.

           Amid the difficult year and a decreasing loan book,
           BKT managed to considerably decrease the  NPL
           both in terms of ratio and outstanding amount, and
           maintained its leading position among its peers for
           nonperforming loan performance, with an NPL 90-
           days ratio at 2.47% at the end of the year according
           to IFRS.

           During  2021  and  2022,  inflationary  pressures  and
           tightening monetary policies started to be priced into
           financial markets by participants. These changes
           affect the risk profile of the Bank, its financial
           performance, and its capital position. To safeguard
           the stability of the Bank, we followed a cautious
           valuation and hedging of financial assets, responsible
           investment allocation, and consolidation of the
           liquidity reserve.
           During 2022, operational risk remained at low levels.
           We continued our efforts to develop an efficient
           system for managing and measuring operational risk
           through the maintenance of a historical database
           of operational risk events, key risk indicators that
           serve as early warnings and as measurements of
           risk tendencies. The enhancement of the reporting
           culture by all of the Bank’s employees remains a
           priority for effective operational risk management.
           In support of reporting, the internal regulatory
           framework is subject to periodic revision along
           with  trainings  conducted  with  new  and  existing
           employees, in order to increase staff knowledge       the focus is in information security, considering that,
           on how to identify, manage, prevent, and report       as of today, a cyber-attack is the most potential risk
           operational  risk events. The COVID-19  pandemic      scenario and the most unpredictable one.
           was still present during this year, but by enabling
           all  the  electronic  platforms  through  which  BKT   This year was challenging regarding cybersecurity
           operates in the market, the Bank was able to serve its   risks, which face not only Albania but the entire world.
           customers and keep the pair “event-impact” at a low   Just as the concept of war is changing, a parallel
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