Page 33 - Annual Report 2022
P. 33
Smart Bankomats (touch-screen & tablet-like
ATMs) have played a critical role in decreasing
cash volume from branches (ATM cash deposit
figures are almost double the sector average).
Cardless transactions combined with cardless
withdrawals are a new innovation for Albania.
Moreover, ATM menus have been translated into
seven languages to give multi-language service
to customers of different nationalities living in or
visiting Albania, and this is another unique service
offered by BKT.
Digital sales almost doubled in comparison
to 2021 for deposit, saving, and direct debit
products thanks to CRM campaigns to increase
digital activities. Loan applications from web/
digital channels boomed due to very attractive
offers for mortgage and consumer loans.
Campaigns to activate digital usage were quite
effective. Digitalization was not limited to digital
channels; branch user interfaces have begun to
be web based, single sign-on, user friendly with
the SmarTI application, and its mobile extension
for employees, SmartTouch, has begun to be
used. Many processes have been automated and
transaction times in branches have decreased,
from customer onboarding to insurance collection,
overdraft applications, and so on.
BKT has maintained its strong position in the
digital marketing area with its top-ranking website
in visitor numbers, as well as the greatest number
of followers in overall social media channels
(Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) to promote
its products effectively and keep a first-class
relationship with its customers.
The benefits of using digital channels were further
promoted by a price differentiation strategy based
on offering cheaper or free services compared
to the branches. A motto was created to drive
home the digital message: “The smartest way of
… making deposits, opening saving accounts,
selecting insurance products, doing exchanges,”
and so on. Based on the surveys run during
the year, BKT customers have appreciated the
services, giving them a 55 NPS score, which
is quite high in comparison to global banking
benchmarks of 40 or so, encouraging even more