Page 28 - BKT Annual Report 2023 EN
P. 28
2023 has been a quite important year as retail loan portfolio increase by promoting our products.
portfolio has grown in nominal terms with 24%. As On the digitalization and automatization point of view,
a result, the market share for retail loans has been 2023 has been a very successful year. The
increased to 18.9%. automatization process has been extended to new
products. A new version of Super Loan has been
During 2023, retail loan disbursements increased implemented in PEGA, with a fully automatic
around 25% compared to 2022. 2023 was a evaluation and decision-making feature, making it the
successful year in the framework of mortgage second product alongside with Overdraft to employ
lending. We have continued to promote 100% this aspect. Next in line for the automatic decision-
making process are Credit Cards. E new strategy and
financing aiming to targeting first time home buyers
workflow is already prepared and is currently being
but also targeting households willing to invest in a
implemented in PEGA and FICO from our PEGA
second home as a holiday home or country house
etc. has received a great interest by increasing the
Last year has also marked an important moment
demand on mortgage loans.
towards our common goal, the digitalization of our
products and services. In this regard, two new
On mortgage lending side, an important and
services were offered to our customers giving them
challenging project was the Merchant Channel, a
the possibility to apply for an OVD limit through online
new mortgage channel created to increase
channels (ATM and BKT Smart app), without the
mortgage loans sales via the collaboration with
need to visit our branches. We are currently working
construction companies and real estate companies.
of the digital version of Super Loan which is expected
A pre-approval is being issued to each customer to be available for our customers within the first
through alternative communication channels at the semiannual of 2024.
moment the customer is in the direct sale point, in During 2023, in collaboration with CRM and Digital
the construction company or real estate office. This Banking Department we have continued the
project is expected to have a high impact in loan promotion of retail loan products through several