Page 40 - BKT Annual Report 2023 EN
P. 40


                       steadily, as shown by the improvement of the ratio   in 2024, as private consumption is predicted to slow
                       of nonperforming loans (NPL) to total loans, which   down due to several growing risks in the coming year,
                       declined during 2023 to the lowest level of 5.07% (as   stemming from internal factors such as increased
                       per end of November).                        climate risks and issues arising from the lack of labor
                                                                    force due to high emigration, declining population, and
                       The annual inflation rate decreased from the highest   high food prices.
                       level during 2022, 8.3% (Oct 2022) to the current
                       level of 4.00% (Dec 2023), marking the lowest   During 2023,  operational risk remained at low
                       figure observed since February 2022 (3.9%). BoA   levels. We continued our efforts to develop an efficient
                       resumed monetary tightening in November 2023 as   system for managing and measuring operational risk
                       domestic inflationary pressures persist amid tight   through the maintenance of a historical database
                       labour markets. The 12-months Treasury Bonds yield   dedicated operational risk events, key risk indicators
                       followed a decreasing pattern during the first twelve   that serve as early warnings and as measurements of
                       months of 2023, from 5.58 % that has reached for   risk tendencies etc. The enhancement of the reporting
                       the end of Dec’22 and resulted 3.43% (December 26,   culture by all the Bank’s employees remains a priority
                       2023), remaining slightly unchanged from the previous   for effective operational risk management. In support of
                       auctions.                                    reporting, the internal regulatory framework is subject
                                                                    to periodic revision along with trainings conducted
                       RMG continued to play a pivotal role in identifying and   for new and existing employees, in order to increase
                       closely monitoring the key risks, designing and offering   staff knowledge on how to identify, manage, prevent,
                       our customers tailor-made and affordable recovery   and report operational risk events. Related to internal
                       solutions in line with their situation, expectations,   control measures on enhancing the risk mitigation,
                       and payment possibilities. Acting proactively on the   the focus is on Information security considering that,
                       fundamentals of a close customer follow-up, for   as per today, a cyber-attack is the most potential risk
                       specific old nonperforming customers, a more specific   scenario and the most unpredictable one. Reliance
                       approach is followed, while in cases of exhausted   on third parties to perform bank’s critical tasks and
                       efforts  to  retrieve the  outstanding  debt  or  reach  a   processes continues to place significant elements of
                       payment agreement, the legal procedures for the   control environments and risk exposure areas outside
                       collateral enforcement are followed as the only way to   the direct control of organisations themselves thus
                       move forward with nonresponsive customers.   we have a special attention relating outsourcing risk.
                                                                    Mentioning the war in Ukraine, according to the EBA,
                       We continuously encouraged the Branches to   direct exposures to Russia and Ukraine are limited and
                       utilize their authority delegated to restructure the   they are not a fundamental threat to financial stability
                       uncollateralized loans in Branch Limit, so to anticipate   but high level of uncertainty about the outcome of the
                       the customers impaired repayment ability.    war and the potentially large impact on global and EU
                                                                    economy is more worrying.
                       BKT managed to considerably decrease the NPL 90+
                       ratio as per IFRS to 2.08% at the end of the year from   Following the current trend continues, the  cyber-
                       2.47 % as per December 2022. While NPL according   attacks in 2023 demonstrated an elevated
                       to BOA standards resulted 3.18 % December ’23 vs to   level of sophistication and increased frequency.
                       5.07 % of the Banking System (November ’23).   Geopolitically, nations may increasingly compare to
                                                                    previous years, use cyber capabilities for strategic
                       Even  though year  2023  has  shown  a  positive   influence and espionage, leading to a complex
                       performance, influenced by tourism, construction and   landscape of cybersecurity challenges.  In light of
                       the energy sector, the country’s economy is expected   these developments, the significance of international
                       to slow down throughout this year. After a strong   cooperation and regulatory frameworks is becoming
                       expansion in 2022, reaching 4.8%, Albania’s economic   effectively to mitigate the evolving threats posed by
                       growth is expected to ease to 3.5% in 2023 and 3.1%   cyber adversaries.
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