Page 43 - BKT Annual Report 2023 EN
P. 43

ANNUAL REPORT 2023      43

                     In the course of controls and mitigations actions, our   aspects that regulates the activity of the Bank with
                     Bank consistently engages in proactively monitoring   its stakeholders and clients. In this regard, due to
                     24/7 by investigating suspicious activities and the real-  improvement of the bank’s processes and with the aim
                     time generated alerts related to potential suspicious   of establishing the best standards, we have updated
                     activities happening within our internal perimeter;   and formalized all Corporate Loan Contracts and the
                     continues performing Penetration tests activities;   various Guarantee Agreements.
                     restricting  or blocking different web sites with not
                     good reputation or indicated as compromised; restricts   In the framework of the development of the Bank and
                     emails sent/received outside the organization for   the new products that were intended to be offered to
                     some staff categories; removes all admin rights and of   the Client, the legal risk analysis, and the designing
                     domain users on workstations; removes the access of     of the product in accordance with the applicable
                     removable storage devices for all network end points;   legislation, has been one of the main activities. The
                     improves strong authentication methods for different   follow-up of the NPL files and court litigation related to,
                     systems,  increases  and  sophisticates  the  controls   but not only, were in the focus of the Legal Department
                     implemented for network access form outside; adds   with the aim of recovering the unpaid debt or any
                     protection filters for external systems etc.  losses suffered.

                     We have continued working hard in enhancing Bank’s   Through the Association of Banks, an active role has
                     staff awareness by face to face training sessions   been exercised in the discussions on the approval of
                     and meetings with management level for explaining   draft-laws and bylaws, which have a significant effect
                     how crucial their collaboration is in safeguarding the   on the Bank’s activities, as well as on addressing issues
                     security perimeter of the bank and, unequivocally, the   that require a commitment at the level of the banking
                     information of our clients by continuously enriching   system. It is worth emphasizing the collaboration
                     the existing security structure and aligning closely   with the state institutions in order to establish the
                     the internal regulatory requirements and adhering   application of best practices in the implementation of
                     rigorously best international standards and practices   the applicable legislation.
                     regarding information security.
                                                                   Throughout this year as well, the Bank has offered
                     On legal risk mitigation, there was continued   innovative ways of conducting business deployed
                     monitoring of legislative changes in order to ensure   in line with legal requirements, while also catering to
                     that the Bank conducts its activities in compliance   Bank clients’ needs. It is worth to mention the bank’s
                     with the legal norms in force. Even during this year’s   developments on offering products through online
                     special focus has been on the transparency of   channels as well as digitization.
                     banking products and services, as one of the essential
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