Page 45 - BKT Annual Report 2023 EN
P. 45

ANNUAL REPORT 2023      45

          The Financial Control & Accounting Department has   portfolio totalling to around 480 assets. The asset sales
          continued to exercise enhanced and detailed controls   during 2023 reached a satisfactory target achievement by
          over the main Bank’s accounts. The aim of these controls   approving the sale and financial lease of 39 assets during
          and checks is to ensure correct application of expenses,   the year and reducing the stock number by nearly 5%.
          commissions and other fees for both the Bank and
          its clients. In addition, the department guards Bank’s   In addition, the Unit has successfully concluded the
          operating expenses and capital expenses by monitoring   property reinsurance process for more than 250 insurable
          all invoices issued in favor of the Bank and by controlling   assets, while in close collaboration with Appraisals Unit the
          realized expenses versus the budgeted figures.  whole portfolio of foreclosed assets has been reappraised
                                                        during the year. In addition, the Unit of Foreclosed Assets
          The Finance Group in addition to closely coordinating   has expanded the marketing efforts of bank properties
          various external statutory and group audits, and   by using also different channels other than BKT’s website
          inspections by regulatory bodies; BoA’s full inspection,   and branches, while in cooperation with Legal Affairs
          Deposit Insurance Agency, Tax Office, has also managed   Department it has increased the number of properties
          the yearly affirmation process of the credit ratings from   taken under the physical possession, which provides
          JCR-ER Rating Agency, being concluded with very   a further tool for an efficient marketing and sale of the
          satisfactory ratings assigned to the Bank in November   assets. Meanwhile during the year, the Unit has fully
          2023, affirming for the 15th time in a row its ratings on the   updated and published its working Manual, which gives a
          Long-Term National Scale as ‘AAA (Alb)’, which denotes   comprehensive guidance of the whole asset management
          the highest investment grade, along with a ‘Stable’ outlook.   process within the Bank.
          In addition, the Group handled successfully during June
          2023 the yearly review process of Quality Management   The Unit of Administrative Affairs, part of SSD, have dealt
          System ISO 9001:2015 with TUV Austria, by confirming   successfully with various objectives and duties achieved
          the full application of the respective standards in all the   during 2023. During the year, a special attention has been
          branches operating in Albania.                paid to the total reconstruction of the historical Durres
                                                        Branch (2nd and final phase), which was finalised in line
          Along with its main financial reporting, budgeting and   with its approved project plan, simultaneously carrying
          control functions, the Finance Group has also strived   out the transfer of the branch to these premises within
          to deliver high quality services with its Support Services   November. In addition, it was completed the relocation
          Department (SSD).                             of Qyteti i Nxënesve Branch to a new facility, as well the
                                                        installation/relocation/upgrade of 32 ATMs throughout the
          The  Appraisals  Unit,  as  one  of  the  units  within  SSD,   whole year.
          along with its regular appraisal reports and opinions,
          has also managed within 2023 the revaluation of all BKT   Simultaneously, during 2023, one of the main objectives
          collaterals, either residential or commercial, totalling to   of the Bank was the full reconstruction of both new Data
          more than 5,600 apartments, units, offices, dwelling and   Center and Central Archive premises in Kashar area.
          industrial buildings, according to the appraisal frequencies   As such, the Finance Group as a whole, has closely
          stated in the internal manuals and in compliance with the   collaborated with IT Infrastructure, Physical Security and
          requirements of BoA regulations and IFRS framework. In   Liability Products Operations departments to manage,
          this regard, during 2023 the number of appraisal reports   supervise and successfully conclude their reconstruction
          and evaluation opinions provided for BKT customers   by year-end, implementing the best practices and
          and staff collateral requests has been increased by more   standards, by providing a high-quality infrastructure to
          than 40%, also considering the EUR and Lek mortgage   support the constant growing Bank operations and activity
          products launched and marketed by the Bank during the   in the future.
          whole year.
                                                        During this year, in order to increase building efficiency
          In addition, during the year the Appraisal Unit has   by decreasing energy consumption costs, in line with the
          effectively concluded the yearly performance evaluation   Finance Group mid-term strategy as approved by the
          of the Independent Appraisers working with the Bank. In   Executive Management, SSD finalized successfully the
          collaboration with Risk Management Group, Business,   implementation and installment of photovoltaic panels at
          Operations and FinTech departments, the Appraisal Unit   the roof of its Head Office and Central Archive buildings.
          has initiated a project on improving collateral data in   The photovoltaic panels in both buildings are fully installed
          the system and the Appraisal Reports forms according   and started producing in full capacity by early 2024.
          BoA requirements. Similarly, the Appraisal Unit in close   According to our calculations, the energy costs in the Head
          cooperation with LAD has also provided with its technical   Office building during the year 2023, have decreased by
          support and expertise for the needed court cases.    approximately 20%, compared to the previous year. The
                                                        main impact from the use of photovoltaic panels during
          The Unit of Foreclosed Assets management improved   this period, in addition to the impact from solar filters on
          further its duties and responsibilities related with the   the façade, is reducing of costs and the impact on the
          sale and lease function of the Bank’s foreclosed assets   environment.
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