Page 53 - Annual Report 2022
P. 53


         without sufficient income to live on.   8 July 2022 - Campaign to collect aid for children in need
         On the eve of the Kurban Bayram,
         BKT employees in Tirana and
         surrounding  areas supported  this
         initiative by providing voluntary aid
         such as clothing, food, and personal
         hygiene products,  which went
         directly to help 85 families.

         Goal 3 | Good Health and Well-
         being – The Bank also supports                                                    Giving Circle fund raising event
         healthy   lifestyles  and   raises
         awareness among its customers and
         staff by activities such as organizing
         blood donation drives, biking to
         work, pink October activities during
         breast cancer awareness  month,
         participation in sports activities, and
         collaborating with NGOs to support                                                     Pink October Activities
         projects to teach  children healthy

         The  Albanian  Center  for  Family
         Development (ACFD) – Banka
         Kombëtare    Tregtare   supported
         ACFD  during  the  Giving  Circle
         Albania  2022  event,  organised  by
         Partners Albania for Change and
         Development, held on Thursday,
         June 16, 2022, in support of three
         causes that will transform lives and
         bring sustainable social change
         to communities in need. BKT
         supported the project “Healthy
         children, healthy community!”

         Pink October – To increase
         awareness  of  breast  cancer,  pink
         ribbons were donated to all the staff
         of the bank and an awareness video     Basketball Championship U10
         was launched on social media. An
         oncologist was invited to the Bank,
         where he shared advice on self-
         control and care.

         “Summer Tour” 3×3  – In the
         framework of cooperation with the
         Albanian Basketball Federation,
         the bank supported the “Summer
         Tour” 3×3, which made it possible                                                           15.11.2021
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