Page 55 - Annual Report 2022
P. 55

the good management of their
         finances for a secure future, given
         the opportunities offered in Albania.
         On March 21–27, 2022, the Bank
         of Albania, in cooperation with
         the Albanian Banking Association
         and the support of the Ministry of
         Education and Sports, announced
         Money Week 2022, under the slogan
         “Be smart  with  money, build  your
         future!” Banka  Kombëtare Tregtare
         sponsored the competition for the
         best essay on “Digital Banking and
         its impact on increasing financial
         inclusion,” with students of selected
         universities. Prizes for the five
         winning essays were a tablet and
         3-month teaching practice at BKT.

         BKT also organized an activity with
         the  children of  the  WAT  (World
         Academy  of  Tirana)  school,  to
         involve them financially, teaching
         them how to take care of money,
         how to save, and how to earn
         income through entrepreneurship,
         to lay the foundations for their future
         and well-being.
         Financial education – Banka
         Kombëtare Tregtare, in cooperation
         with  DSIK  Albania  and  Albania
         Association   of   Banks    (AAB),
         supported the initiatives for financial
         education of the younger generation
         and contributed with a variety of
         training exercises for educational-
         financial literacy in children.

         During the visit to some schools in
         the capital, in-game trainings on
         basic knowledge about finance were
         held. Some of the prominent topics
         were savings, money management
         to increase the quality of life, as well
         as  promoting the  notion that  one
         should work to have money.

           Young Innovators Competition – BKT supported the University of Tirana on May 18, 2022, in the
           framework of concluding the Innovation course, organizing the “Young Innovators” competition. Present in
           this competition were about 250 third-year students of Business Administration and Economic Informatics,
           Dean of the Faculty of Economics, lecturers of the Department of Management and the Department of
           Finance, representatives from businesses, and from the Municipality of Tirana and other institutions.
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