Page 52 - Annual Report 2022
P. 52


           BKT    conducts    its  business   During 2022, surveys of customer    improve our business practices in
           focusing on five main stakeholders:   satisfaction for our call centre and   order to enhance green practices
           the shareholders, the market,      branches achieved 84% and 86%       and be an environmentally friendly
           our people, the environment, and   respectively.                       bank. In this regard, we work
           society.                                                               to decrease energy and water
                                              Our people – We value our human     consumption, increase paperless
           The shareholders – BKT remains     resources as our most important     practices,    use     centralized
           committed to the corporate         asset and we offer them fair        printers, and adapt our credit
           culture  values  of the  Group and   and modern labour practices,      policy towards new financing
           towards a sustainable profitability   competitive remuneration and     by adding the environmental
           that enables the organization to   benefits,  a  strong  culture  of   impact  our  customers  have  and
           thrive and generate value for its   meritocracy,  training for further   make sure that they share the
           shareholders and its stakeholders.  development and specialization,    same environmental values with
                                              and the possibility of building a
           The market – BKT offers modern     career path while ensuring that     us. We support green projects
           and innovative banking solutions,   they have a healthy and safe work   through our CSR program and
           a  wide range  of  consumer  and   environment.                        raise awareness of environmental
           investment products tailor-made                                        issues with our staff.
           to fit every need of our customers,   The environment – We care        As part of providing our customers
           be it individual, corporate, or    for the environment, and we         the best innovative solutions while
           government entity. BKT is the      act in accordance to respect        at the same time decreasing paper
           main player in the market and the   and  protect  it during  our  daily   consumption in our branches
           main taxpayer in Albania, which    operations, not only based on       during 2022, we had a 15.5 percent
           substantially contributes to the   Albanian environmental legislation   increase in  transactions made
           growth of the Albanian economy.    but as part of our environmental    through digital channels and a 5.8
           We are led by a customer-centric   sustainability initiatives.         percent decrease in transactions
           approach and strive for customer                                       made through branches.
           service excellency and satisfaction.   We are constantly seeking to

          Society  – BKT recognizes its role and supports society and local communities through a diversified CSR
          program which is in line with UN sustainability goals, including the following:

           Goals 1 and 2 |  No poverty            08 July 2022
           and zero hunger – The Bank
           collaborates with NGOs to support
           families in financial difficulties by
           providing food packages.

           Albanian Red Cross – According to
           the tradition created in connection
           with our values of charity, humanity,
           and volunteering, BKT embraced
           the “Campaign to collect aid for
           families and people in financial
           difficulties.” This initiative supports
           the campaign organized by the
           Albanian Red Cross, Tirana Branch,
           to help families and people living in
           difficult economic conditions and
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