Page 50 - Annual Report 2022
P. 50


           During 2022 BKT has remained committed in             Sustainable IT infrastructure
           investing on enhancing digital capabilities of the    The digital transformation journey of the Bank
           Bank and improving the online experience of our       presents significant challenges for the IT infrastructure
           customers. Some major achievements are the            which in turn can be addressed only by leveraging
                                                                 an advanced IT infrastructure management platform.
           New Mobile Banking                                    Modern IT environments keep getting more dynamic,
                                                                 complex and interdependent, bringing significant
           To compete in a digital world at a time when global   changes to IT infrastructure management.
           events have accelerated the shift in customer         In addition to implementing best technologies
           expectations and habits, we believe that it’s time to   from best worldwide brand vendors, to modernize
           focus on personal and emotional connections with      data networking and data access technologies,
           customers to strengthen their trust and grow.
                                                                 combining  best  security,  business  effectiveness,
           Momentum for change has been building for years,      working from everywhere and business continuity,
           but the conditions were perfect in the Albanian       during 2022 special focus has been put on building
           market for an ambitious and fundamental rewriting     a unified observability platform. The cloud adaption
           of old rules and behaviors.                           and transformation journey which also started during
           We focused  our work  and targets  around  how        2022 makes it more imperative to have a platform
           our customers (including us as employees) are         able to aggregate and correlate data from across
           experiencing “banking”.                               platforms.
           With our new Mobile Banking we are putting “The       To support also the scalability requirements, BKT
           Customer” in first place, empowering him/her by       has completely renovated its storage system with
           giving the tools he/she needs to take control of his/  state-of-the-art technology able to support not only
           her own banking.                                      the current needs but also future performance and
                                                                 capacity requirements.
           Although we launched a new mobile banking app, it
           was a journey of a set of dynamic technological shifts   Finally, building an agile digital workspace has also
           that all together combined to provide the output:     been given attention during 2022 to support the
                                                                 post-pandemic hybrid work model.
           • Customer Experience and New Concept Design
                                                                 Pension Fund Custody Bank Services
           • New Mobile Banking Framework to increase
            quality of developments and flexibility in generating   BKT has enriched its service portfolio with “Pension
            new versions quickly                                 Fund Custody Bank Service” based upon an in-
           • Mobile  Banking Testing Automation  - Rebuilding    house developed solution fully integrated with
            the process from scratch                             its  Core  banking  and  treasury  system,  providing
                                                                 automatic reconciliation.
           •  New   BackEnd     Architecture:  Microservice
            architecture as the basis of a modern bank           Smart Pension
            back-end and as a “neo-bank style” model was
            implemented.  This  allowed  faster  deployment      Is a revolutionary solution for the Albanian market.
            and simplified maintenance.                          It is the first online platform in the market to open
                                                                 Pension Funds. It started with service provided by
           • Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery      two companies that are offering Pension Fund Plans.
            Pipelines:  Indicators  such  as  deployment
            frequency, change lead time, and incident            All processes are online and can be done just from
            meantime to recovery (MTTR) improved drastically     BKT Mobile banking and e-Banking platforms.
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