Page 131 - BKT Annual Report 2023 EN
P. 131

ANNUAL REPORT 2023      62
                               Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2023
                                                                           (amounts in USD, unless otherwise stated)

          e) Investment securities - measured at amortised cost (Held-to-maturity securities)
          Held-to-maturity securities as at 31 December 2023 comprise as follows:

          Type                       Nominal      Unamortized          Accrued       Impairment         Net Value
                                                    Premium /
          ALL denominated        1,028,111,561        (248,931)      16,258,924        (7,704,020)   1,036,417,534
          USD denominated         270,981,000         344,843         3,117,668        (3,263,487)    271,180,024
          EUR denominated         839,967,779       (25,836,749)      6,729,300        (6,912,137)    813,948,193
          GBP denominated          47,503,127         181,418          731,498           (13,996)      48,402,047
          CHF denominated           2,207,633         (151,879)         37,128         (1,223,284)       869,598
                                 2,188,771,100      (25,711,298)       26,874,518     (19,116,924)   2,170,817,396

          Held-to-maturity securities as at 31 December 2022 comprise as follows:

                                                    Premium /
          Type                       Nominal      Unamortized          Accrued       Impairment         Net Value
          ALL denominated         795,807,567       (2,470,735)      11,581,984       (1,804,365)     803,114,451
          USD denominated         241,733,000        1,323,085        2,973,365       (2,885,028)     243,144,422
          EUR denominated         628,816,883      (24,224,269)       6,831,978       (5,537,624)     605,886,968

          GBP denominated          43,778,607         390,509          691,416          (12,728)       44,847,804
          CHF denominated           2,006,917        (181,182)          33,753         (557,553)        1,301,935
                                 1,712,142,974     (25,162,592)      22,112,496      (10,797,298)    1,698,295,580

          10.  LOANS TO BANKS

          During 2023 the Bank has purchased syndicated loans of some non-resident banks and FIs as follows:

                                                               31 December 2023

                                           Principal            Interest          Impairment               Total

          USD denominated                   26,142,857              468,741                (31,406)              26,580,192
          EUR denominated                 108,644,577            1,093,349        (1,487,580)             108,250,346
                                         134,787,434            1,562,090            (1,518,986)      134,830,538

          During 2022 the Bank has purchased syndicated loans of some non-resident banks and FIs as follows:
                                                               31 December 2022

                                           Principal            Interest          Impairment               Total
          USD denominated                31,428,571             572,003            (157,910)          31,842,664
          EUR denominated               114,679,593             627,389           (1,255,322)        114,051,660
                                        146,108,164           1,199,392           (1,413,232)        145,894,324
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