Page 141 - Annual Report 2022
P. 141

79    Banka Kombëtare Tregtare     Annual Report 2022

          Banka Kombëtare Tregtare Sh.a.
          Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended
          31 December 2022 (Amounts in USD, unless otherwise stated)

          16. Other assets (continued)
          The assets do not meet the definition of non-current assets held for sale, and are classified as inventories in accordance with
          IAS 2 “Inventories”. The assets were initially recognised at fair value when acquired. These assets are measured at the lower of
          their carrying amount and fair value less cost to sell. The Bank has estimated an impaired amount of USD 13,230,300 to the total
          gross amount of USD 48,608,695.

          A number of these properties are leased to third parties. Subsequent renewals are negotiated with the lessee on an annual basis.
          Rental income from these properties of USD 119,071 (31 December 2021: USD 72,157) is recognised in other income.
          Payments in transit represent customers’ payments drawn on other banks that are in the process of being collected.

          Other debtors, net are composed as follows:
                                                                           31 December 2022      31 December 2021

          Other debtors                                                           1,936,897             8,779,795
          Provision for other debtors                                             (1,288,484)          (1,695,887)
          Other debtors, net                                                       648,413              7,083,908
          Provision for other debtors includes the 100% specific provision allocated for the debt under collection amounting to TRL
          9,840,829 (equivalent of USD 525,825).
          The debt under collection represents the uncollected amount of cheques issued from non-resident counterparties.

          The movement in provision for other debtors is detailed as below:
                                                                           31 December 2022      31 December 2021

          Balance at 1 January                                                    (1,695,887)          (2,521,450)
          Impairment charge of LG&LC                                                139,845              225,106
          Translation difference                                                    267,558              600,457
          Balance at the end of the year                                         (1,288,484)           (1,695,887)

          17. Customer deposits
          Customer deposits as at 31 December 2022 and 31 December 2021 are composed as follows:

                                                                           31 December 2022      31 December 2021
          Current accounts:
          Individuals                                                            977,015,780           881,406,452
          Private enterprises                                                    675,064,759           574,137,576
          State owned entities                                                   54,222,654            64,205,043
                                                                               1,706,303,193         1,519,749,071
          Individuals                                                          2,515,825,956         2,386,244,403
          Private enterprises                                                    189,256,298           155,033,183
          State owned entities                                                  109,864,935            46,522,517
                                                                               2,814,947,189         2,587,800,103
          Other customer accounts:
          Individuals                                                             23,570,073            28,954,807
          Private enterprises                                                    46,377,893             45,412,332
          State owned entities                                                     237,518               259,810
                                                                                 70,185,484            74,626,949
                                                                               4,591,435,866         4,182,176,123
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