Page 137 - Annual Report 2022
P. 137

75    Banka Kombëtare Tregtare     Annual Report 2022

          Banka Kombëtare Tregtare Sh.a.
          Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended
          31 December 2022 (Amounts in USD, unless otherwise stated)

          11. Loans to customers (continued)
          The classification of retail loans by type is as follows:

                                                                         31 December 2022      31 December 2021
                                                                           USD         %           USD       %
          Home purchase                                              365,550,363     57%     289,399,432   54%
          Super Loan                                                 135,773,755     21%     121,638,304   23%
          Overdraft and credit cards                                  23,426,023      4%      20,207,899    4%
          Shop purchase                                               21,289,867      3%      19,355,025    4%
          Home improvement                                            19,820,049      3%      21,217,424    4%
          Home reconstruction                                          7,266,159      1%       7,177,903    1%
          Car purchase                                                 4,255,172      1%       3,901,142    1%
          Technical equipment                                          1,494,990      1%       1,757,056    1%
          Other types                                                 59,549,536      9%      48,489,328    8%
                                                                     638,425,914    100%     533,143,513  100%

         12. Investment in associates
         Investment in associates of USD 1,090,943 (31 December 2021: USD 933,964) represents:

         a) The equivalent amount of an investment of EUR 1,199,600 into the share capital of Albania Leasing Sh.a (the “Company”)
            at a participation ratio of 29.99%, decreased to recognise the Bank’s share of the accumulated loss at USD  423,719 (31
            December 2021: USD 425,748). The Company was established in August 2, 2013 (inception date) as a Joint Stock Company.
            The Company obtained the license from the Bank of Albania on April 21, 2014 and started its leasing activity in June 2014.
         b) The BKT Kosova’s equivalent amount of an investment of TRY 4,293,013 into the share capital of “Mükafat Portföy Yönetimi
            A.Ş.” at participation rate of 20%.
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