Page 46 - Annual Report 2022
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during the last five years. The Bank supports         students: another 65 students selected by the best
           UNYT with an integrated program with practice:        universities in Albania/abroad have enlarged their
           “Applied Banking and Finance.” The Bank offers full   professional knowledge in different units of the Bank.
           scholarships to the 11 best students who attend the
           bachelor’s study program, paid summer internship,     Rewarding performance
           and an employment  contract after successful          A fair, transparent, competitive and sustainable
           graduation.                                           approach to employee remuneration has always
           BKT has signed an agreement with Faculty of           been  of crucial  importance  to the  Bank. Our
           Natural  Sciences  by  offering  full  scholarships  to   remuneration practices encourage employees
           seven students attending Professional Master          to make a long-term career with the Bank. Our
           in Business Informatics and offering them paid        Compensation Framework promotes and rewards
           internship opportunities. A group of 10 students are   sustainable performance and contributions based on
           attending “BKT FinTech” Academy with its intensive    delivery, behaviour, and conduct across all levels of
           professional FinTech programs, which prepare them     the company. We ensure that everyone understands
           for future employment in the Bank.                    what is expected of them in their respective roles.
                                                                 Employee performance is linked to development and
           BKT has supported the students of the Faculty         reward. Each employee’s contribution is recognized
           of Integrated Studies with Practice in Bank           consistently.
           Management (FASTIP) at University “Aleksandër
           Moisiu” Durrës for fifteen successive years. FASTIP   Learning culture
           students benefit from the scholarships and semi-      We  have  made  learning  a  key  element  of  our
           annual internship programs during the year. Nine      personnel strategy. We strive to create an engaging,
           students joined the bank as employees after their     personalized,  and  varied  learning  experience
           graduation with a bachelor’s degree in September      accessible to all employees, at every stage of their
                                                                 career, through our digital learning platforms. The
           The Bank provides internship opportunities to other   focus has been on virtual learning as the main

            28 October 2022 - Staff Activity “Happy Hour”
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