Page 131 - Annual Report 2022
P. 131

69    Banka Kombëtare Tregtare     Annual Report 2022

          Banka Kombëtare Tregtare Sh.a.
          Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended
          31 December 2022 (Amounts in USD, unless otherwise stated)

          6. Segmental reporting (continued)

          Geographical Segments                        2022                                  2021
                                           Albania    Kosovo    Consolidated    Albania    Kosovo    Consolidated
              Interest income            134,598,824  38,185,201  172,784,025  133,558,148   35,269,304    168,827,452
                  - Intragroup transactions  237,646      6,797            -       53,823       3,413           -
              Interest expense           (22,230,432)  (7,367,530)  (29,597,962)  (15,098,781)   (6,888,478)   (21,987,259)
                  - Intragroup transactions  (6,797)   (237,646)           -       (3,413)    (53,823)          -
          Net interest margin            112,368,392  30,817,671  143,186,063  118,459,367   28,380,826  146,840,193

          Non-interest income, net
           Fees and commissions, net      20,508,477  8,622,261    29,130,738   19,839,345    6,979,963    26,819,308
           Foreign exchange revaluation gain,   (2,626,524)  (168,593)  (2,795,117)   4,125,489    (360,300)   3,765,189
           Foreign exchange trading activities   2,258,660  (147,416)  2,111,244   2,001,077    587,534    2,588,611
           income, net
           Securities trading gain, net   51,408,983  2,067,314    53,476,297     927,003    1,861,950    2,788,953
           Other (expense) / income, net   5,368,409    464,782     5,833,191    4,236,438    895,661    5,132,099
          Total non-interest income, net  76,918,005  10,838,348   87,756,353  31,129,352   9,964,808   41,094,160

          Operating expenses
           Personnel expenses            (21,186,835)  (6,496,585)  (27,683,420)  (19,002,207)   (6,414,728)   (25,416,935)
           Administrative expenses       (36,288,922)  (7,528,751)  (43,817,673)  (32,861,866)   (7,076,292)   (39,938,158)
           Depreciation and amortization  (7,876,562)  (1,502,015)  (9,378,577)   (7,914,321)   (1,786,671)   (9,700,992)
          Total operating expenses       (65,352,319) (15,527,351)  (80,879,670)  (59,778,394) (15,277,691)  (75,056,085)

           Impairment of loans             6,869,466    414,821     7,284,287   (2,335,972)   (1,684,638)   (4,020,610)
           Impairment of other financial   (31,061,482)  (5,036,577)  (36,098,059)   (285,621)   (732,069)   (1,017,690)

          Profit before taxes             99,742,062  21,506,912  121,248,974  87,188,732  20,651,236  107,839,968
          Income tax                     (14,122,786)  (1,810,911)  (15,933,697)  (12,765,727)  (1,981,345)  (14,747,072)
          Net profit for the year         85,619,276  19,696,001  105,315,277  74,423,005  18,669,891   93,092,896
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