Page 134 - Annual Report 2022
P. 134

Banka Kombëtare Tregtare     Annual Report 2022  72

           Banka Kombëtare Tregtare Sh.a.
           Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended
           31 December 2022 (Amounts in USD, unless otherwise stated)

           9. Investment securities (continued)
           Available-for-sale securities as at 31 December 2021 comprise as follows:

                                                      Unamortized       Accrued      Marked to market
            Type                       Nominal value      discount       interest          gain/ (loss)  Fair Value
            Lek denominated               961,865,966     2,249,240    13,537,365          35,311,295  1,012,963,866
            USD denominated               369,846,000     6,257,141     4,492,070          (1,423,534)   379,171,677
            EUR denominated               596,056,126    13,120,472     7,315,728          (2,004,245)   614,488,081
            TRY denominated                 2,198,235            -        21,211              (43,852)   2,175,594
            CAD denominated                 6,838,255            -             -            8,628,224    15,466,479
            GBP denominated                60,729,497     1,555,326     1,168,817              41,547    63,495,187
            SEK denominated                   68,110             -             -              (43,055)      25,055
            CHF denominated                 8,991,215      112,664        65,258               44,238    9,213,375
                                        2,006,593,404   23,294,843    26,600,449           40,510,618 2,096,999,314
           c) Investment securities - measured at FVTPL (Held-for-trading securities)

           Held for trading securities as at 31 December 2022 comprise as follows:
                                                       Unamortized      Accrued       Marked to market
            Type                        Nominal value     discount       interest          gain/ (loss)  Fair Value
            ALL denominated                2,148,529      (120,152)       21,024              (91,128)   1,958,273
            EUR denominated                 2,667,679     (216,722)       24,396              (46,611)   2,428,742
                                            4,816,208     (336,874)       45,420             (137,739)   4,387,015
           Held for trading securities as at 31 December 2021 comprise as follows:

                                                       Unamortized       Accrued      Marked to market
            Type                        Nominal value     discount       interest           gain/ (loss)  Fair Value
            ALL denominated                 9,198,423      102,211         93,184              119,218   9,513,036
            USD denominated                34,300,000     1,686,730       535,847             (454,876)  36,067,701
            EUR denominated                54,859,996     1,501,540       588,875           (1,398,359)  55,552,052
            CHF denominated                   767,543      (53,574)         3,262               15,966    733,197
                                           99,125,962    3,236,907      1,221,168           (1,718,051)  101,865,986
           d) Investment securities - measured at amortised cost (Held-to-maturity securities)
           Held-to-maturity securities as at 31 December 2022 comprise as follows:

            Type                        Nominal Value     Premium /       Accrued         Impairment     Net Value
                                                          (Discount)      interest
            Lek denominated               795,807,567    (2,470,735)   11,581,984          (1,804,365)  803,114,451
            USD denominated               241,733,000     1,323,085     2,973,365          (2,885,028)  243,144,422
            EUR denominated               628,816,883   (24,224,269)    6,831,978          (5,537,624)  605,886,968
            GBP denominated                43,778,607       390,509       691,416            (12,728)   44,847,804
            CHF denominated                 2,006,917      (181,182)       33,753           (557,553)    1,301,935
                                        1,712,142,974   (25,162,592)   22,112,496         (10,797,298) 1,698,295,580
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