Page 133 - Annual Report 2022
P. 133

71    Banka Kombëtare Tregtare     Annual Report 2022

          Banka Kombëtare Tregtare Sh.a.
          Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended
          31 December 2022 (Amounts in USD, unless otherwise stated)

          9. Investment securities
          Investment securities as at 31 December 2022 and 31 December 2021 are presented as follows:

                                                                         31 December 2022       31 December 2021
          Investment securities - measured at FVOCI (Treasury bills available-for-  205,281,343      140,685,464
          Investment securities - measured at FVOCI (Available-for-sale       982,112,711           2,096,999,314
          Investment securities - measured at FVTPL (Held-for-trading securities)  4,387,015         101,865,986
          Investment securities - measured at amortised cost (Held-to-maturity   1,698,295,580       219,071,209
          Investment securities - measured at amortised cost (Treasury bills held   21,714,729                -
          to maturity)
          Total                                                              2,911,791,378          2,558,621,973

          a) Investment securities - measured at FVOCI (Treasury bills)

          Treasury bills available-for-sale by original maturity as at 31 December 2022 and 31 December 2021 are presented as follows:
                                                              31 December 2022
                                Purchase Value Amortized discount  Marked to market gain (loss)        Fair Value
          3 months                   1,391,225            9,550                      (45)              1,400,730
          6 months                   2,308,150           23,635                    (1,926)             2,329,859
          12 months                199,638,861        2,716,951                  (805,058)           201,550,754
                                   203,338,236        2,750,136                  (807,029)           205,281,343

                                                              31 December 2021
                                Purchase Value Amortized discount  Marked to market gain (loss)        Fair Value
          3 months                    265,657              682                        32                266,371
          12 months                138,444,524        1,725,701                  248,868             140,419,093
                                   138,710,181        1,726,383                  248,900             140,685,464

          b) Investment securities - measured at FVOCI (Available-for-sale securities)
          Available-for-sale securities as at 31 December 2022 comprise as follows:
                                                   Unamortized                  Marked to market
          Type                   Nominal value        discount  Accrued interest     gain/ (loss)      Fair Value
          Lek denominated          164,046,707        (124,615)       2,425,359       (1,850,277)    164,497,174
          USD denominated          250,439,350        (161,470)       3,074,460      (20,319,669)    233,032,671
          EUR denominated          598,178,992       (7,031,054)      6,379,523      (53,919,832)    543,607,629
          TRY denominated            1,564,250               -          10,400          (78,417)       1,496,233
          CAD denominated            6,420,634               -               -        7,407,606       13,828,240
          GBP denominated           21,626,369         459,934         264,954        (1,324,373)     21,026,884
          SEK denominated              48,962                -               -          (40,149)          8,813
          CHF denominated            4,773,209         (24,139)         18,363         (152,366)       4,615,067
                                 1,047,098,473      (6,881,344)      12,173,059     (70,277,477)     982,112,711
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