Page 59 - BKT Annual Report 2023 EN
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ANNUAL REPORT 2023      59

                                                                 Investing in our greatest asset, our talented
                                                                 team, remains crucial to the banks success,
                                                               and we are confident that their dedication will
                                                                   continue to drive our bank to new heights.

              Over the past 5 years, BKT has established a partnership  the bank as a progressive institution within the ever-
              with the University of New York Tirana (UNYT), dedicated  evolving landscape of the banking industry.”
              to advancing professional and scientific education.
              Through this initiative, BKT offered 11 full scholarships  Rewarding performance
              to best students pursuing their bachelor’s degree in  Consistent recognition of each employee’s valuable
              “Applied Banking and Finance”. This includes a valuable  contributions remains integral to our fair and transparent
              combination of paid internships and employment  remuneration practices, reinforcing a culture of mutual
              contracts upon successful graduation. In 2023, seven  growth and success within the bank.
              graduates were welcomed into the workforce through  We are committed to an equitable, transparent, and
              employment contracts.                        sustainable approach to employee remuneration.
              Additionally, BKT continue its commitment to education   Fostering a  culture  that  encourages  a  long-term
              by signing an agreement with British Embassy for   commitment to the bank, our Compensation Framework
              contribution with scholarship to the Chevening   is designed to promote and reward sustainable
              Scholarship Program 2023-24, also the Faculty of Natural   performance and contributions. Aligned with our values,
              Sciences, extending full scholarships to 7 students   this framework evaluates target achievements, behaviors,
              selected for the “BKT FINTECH Academy 2023” enrolled   and conduct across all organizational levels. Our emphasis
              in the Professional Master’s in Business Informatics, and   on clarity ensures that employees comprehend their role
              a work contact was offered to all of them at the end of   expectations, with performance is linked to development
              the program.                                 and reward.
              For the fifteenth consecutive year, BKT continued   Committed to improving our employees’ well-being
              supporting for the students of the Faculty of Integrated   and employee’s satisfaction
              Studies with Practice in Bank Management (FASTIP)   We are committed  to enhance employee well-being,
              at the University “Aleksandër Moisiu” Durrës, three   satisfaction and creating positive internal culture.
              graduates joining BKT as employees after completing
              their Bachelor’s.                            We prioritize our employees’ financial security with
                                                           competitive salaries and financial benefits package.
              In 2023, BKT facilitated invaluable learning experiences
              for a substantial number of students through internship   Our health insurance coverage extends to also to family
              programs. The bank hosted a total of 57 interns,   members children, and spouses, ensuring their well-
              contributing to the professional development of emerging   being is prioritized.
              talents in alignment with our commitment to fostering  At our head office, we’ve established a gym for physical
              educational partnerships.                    wellness, on-site kindergarten facilities for convenience,
                                                           and weekly yoga sessions for mental and physical
              By investing in the development of emerging talents, we
              not only contribute to their growth but also strengthen our   rejuvenation. Our support extends to fostering a sense
              workforce with fresh perspectives and innovative ideas.   of community with six football teams, volleyball teams,
                                                           diverse clubs including painting and participation in
              Learning and Development Programs            events like the Tirana Marathon.
              In cultivating a robust learning culture, Human Resources  We value work-life balance, offering a hybrid working
              Department has been at the forefront of fostering  model for our fintech staff.
              continuous growth and skill development. Our Learning   Additional perks include birthdays off, charity activities,
              and Development programs provide employees with   celebrating special occasions like organizing events as
              a diverse range of opportunities to enhance their   Children’s Day party, Happy Friday hours, New Year
              professional capabilities. Through targeted workshops,   parties, retreats for our top performers and additional
              online modules, and collaborative initiatives, we nurture   retreat dinner in teams for all the staff. Recognition
              a dynamic environment that encourages innovation and   dinners  further  acknowledge  contributions  to  special
              adaptability. This dedication to ongoing learning not only   projects, creating a workplace culture that values and
              strengthens individual competencies but also positions   celebrates the diverse aspects of our employees’ lives.
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