Page 56 - Annual Report 2023
P. 56


           GOAL 7
           CLEAN ENERGY

           There were installed photo-voltaic panels in both the Head Office of
           the Bank and the Main Archive buildings with a power of respectively
           212.22 kwp and 230.04 kwp, which will provide up to 30% of the
           yearly electricity needs of the bank.

           GOAL 8

           BKT is one of the biggest employers in the market who offers not
           only a modern and spacious work environment but a respectful one
           and promotes similar one to all its collaborators and partners. BKT
           innovative operations apart ensuring a sustainable profit for the Bank,
           enables a better life quality for its customers and partners by creating
           somehow a chain effect who improves the life and work growth and

           GOAL 9

           •  Innovation is one of the main objectives of the bank to provide to
             our customers and human resources the proper comfort. Part of
             it are new digital solutions and continuous process improvements
             to make them simpler. Main pillars of our innovation strategy are:
             investments in the technical infrastructure to enable customers
             to make quick and safe transactions, investment in the physical
             infrastructure to improve the working place and the branches. Part
             of the innovation strategy are the human resources as well, through
             a platform where they contribute with new ideas.
           •  New functionalities are added at the digital channels of the bank
             by providing the customer with a wide range of services which
             simplifies their life.
           •  The bank has started a branch transformation, ‘’Easy’’ project which
             is a synergy of multiple efforts across various departments aiming
             to reduce branch workload and enhancing service quality for our
             valued customers. Our strategy rests on two pillars: minimizing
             branch traffic and cutting down transaction and queuing times and
             finally reducing queuing times.
           •  In  support  of  the  establishment  of  the  national  SOCRadar  by
             AKCESK, BKT has financed the purchase of licenses for the use of
             the SOCRadar platform, which will contribute to a safer environment
             for all operators of critical and important Infrastructures in Albania.
           •  The Bank is the first Bank in Albania which enters the Electronic
             Payments market through BKT, licensed as an Electronic Payments
             Institution with a flag product ‘’epara’’ mobile wallet.
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