Page 109 - Annual Report 2022
P. 109

47    Banka Kombëtare Tregtare     Annual Report 2022

          Banka Kombëtare Tregtare Sh.a.
          Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended
          31 December 2022 (Amounts in USD, unless otherwise stated)

          5. Financial risk management (continued)
          (b) Credit Risk (continued)
          iii. Credit quality analysis (continued)
          The following table sets out information about the credit quality of financial assets, other than loans to customers, measured
          at amortised cost, FVOCI debt investments in 2021. Unless specifically indicated, for financial assets, the amounts in the table
          represent gross carrying amounts.

                                                    Lifetime ECL not   Lifetime ECL   Purchased credit-
                                       12-month ECL                                                  Total
                                                     credit-impaired  credit-impaired  impaired
          Placements and Balances with
          banks at amortised cost
           Aa1 to Aa3                             -             -             -              -                -
           A1 to A3                        91,304,985           -             -              -         91,304,985
           Baa1 to Baa3                   144,817,478           -             -              -        144,817,478
           Ba1 to Ba3                      44,629,871           -             -              -         44,629,871
           B1 to B3                         3,990,428           -             -              -          3,990,428
           Caa1 to Caa3                            -                                                           -
           Unrated                         15,570,368           -             -              -         15,570,368
           Exposure before impairment     300,313,130           -             -              -        300,313,130
           Loss allowance                     22,937            -             -              -            22,937
           Carrying amount                300,290,193           -             -              -        300,290,193
          Loans to Banks at amortised cost
           Aa1 to Aa3                              -             -            -              -                 -
           A1 to A3                                -             -            -              -                 -
           Baa1 to Baa3                           -              -            -              -                -
           Ba1 to Ba3                      46,295,752    1,704,676            -              -         48,000,428
           B1 to B3                        91,706,139            -            -              -         91,706,139
           Caa1 to Caa3                            -             -            -              -                 -
           Unrated                                -                           -              -                -
           Exposure before impairment     138,001,891    1,704,676            -              -        139,706,567
           Loss allowance                   1,457,659        2,569            -              -          1,460,228
           Carrying amount                136,544,232    1,702,107            -              -        138,246,339
          Investment Securities at FVOCI
           Aa1 to Aa3                      87,776,723            -            -              -         87,776,723
           A1 to A3                       111,985,938            -            -              -        111,985,938
           Baa1 to Baa3                   223,600,499            -            -              -        223,600,499
           Ba1 to Ba3                     273,124,969            -            -              -        273,124,969
           B1 to B3                     1,405,511,641            -            -              -       1,405,511,641
           Caa1 to Caa3                     9,477,273            -            -              -          9,477,273
           Unrated                        120,437,300    5,770,435            -              -        126,207,735
           Exposure before impairment   2,231,914,343      5,770,435          -              -       2,237,684,778
           Loss allowance                         -             -             -              -                -
           Carrying amount              2,231,914,343    5,770,435            -              -       2,237,684,778
          Investment Securities at Amortised
           Aa1 to Aa3                              -             -            -              -                 -
           A1 to A3                               -              -            -              -                -
           Baa1 to Baa3                     6,834,822            -            -              -          6,834,822
           Ba1 to Ba3                      18,319,161            -            -              -         18,319,161
           B1 to B3                       160,920,259            -            -              -        160,920,259
           Caa1 to Caa3                     8,418,668           -             -              -          8,418,668
           Unrated                         23,806,212    2,348,208            -              -         26,154,420
           Exposure                       218,299,122    2,348,208            -              -        220,647,330
           Loss allowance                   1,546,431       29,690            -              -          1,576,121
           Carrying amount                216,752,691    2,318,518            -              -        219,071,209
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