Page 111 - Annual Report 2022
P. 111

49    Banka Kombëtare Tregtare     Annual Report 2022

          Banka Kombëtare Tregtare Sh.a.
          Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended
          31 December 2022 (Amounts in USD, unless otherwise stated)

          5. Financial risk management (continued)
          (b) Credit Risk (continued)

          iii. Credit quality analysis (continued)
          The following table sets out information about the credit quality loans to customers for the corporate portfolio in 2022. Unless
          specifically indicated, for financial assets, the amounts in the table represent gross carrying amounts.


                        31 December 2022                               Lifetime ECL not    Lifetime ECL
                                                       12-month ECL    credit-impaired   credit-impaired    Total
          Large Corporate
          Strong (rating A)                               6,374,636               -              -      6,374,636
          Satisfactory (rating B&C)                     419,083,906       50,279,076         47,101   469,410,083
          Watch list (higher risk) (rating D lower than C)       -                -       16,532,286   16,532,286
          Default (Lower than D and over 90 days past due)       -                -       13,265,397   13,265,397
          Total Rated                                   425,458,542       50,279,076      29,844,784  505,582,402
          Non Rated                                      80,493,329       66,016,743         15,124   146,525,196
          Total gross amount                            505,951,871       116,295,819     29,859,908  652,107,598

          Loss allowance                                  14,896,602       16,368,566      9,788,929    41,054,097
          Carrying amount                               491,055,269       99,927,253      20,070,979  611,053,501
          Collateral held for credit impaired assets & assets at FVPL  1,030,789,896  88,301,609  45,430,736  1,164,522,241

          SME Corporate
          Strong (rating A)                               4,107,745               -              -      4,107,745
          Satisfactory (rating B&C)                      80,287,770        7,358,756         50,102    87,696,628
          Watch list (higher risk) (rating D lower than C)       -                -        3,799,332    3,799,332
          Default (Lower than D and over 90 days past due)       -                -        5,225,322    5,225,322
          Total Rated                                     84,395,515        7,358,756      9,074,756    100,829,027
          Non Rated                                        1,639,970         164,928         18,087      1,822,985
          Total gross amount                              86,035,485        7,523,684      9,092,843    102,652,012
          Loss allowance                                   1,912,386         452,825       2,925,384     5,290,595
          Carrying amount                                 84,123,099        7,070,859      6,167,459    97,361,417
          Collateral held for credit impaired assets & assets at FVPL  223,430,089  21,707,824  22,093,293  267,231,206

          Micro Corporate
          Strong (rating A)                               3,895,056               -              -      3,895,056
          Satisfactory (rating B&C)                      31,420,973        2,579,824         29,601    34,030,398
          Watch list (higher risk) (rating D lower than C)       -                -         842,048      842,048
          Default (Lower than D and over 90 days past due)       -                -        3,334,309    3,334,309
          Total Rated                                     35,316,029        2,579,824      4,205,958    42,101,811
          Non Rated                                       6,272,824        1,059,433        188,588     7,520,845
          Total gross amount                              41,588,853        3,639,257      4,394,546    49,622,656
          Loss allowance                                  1,161,023          321,109       1,580,418    3,062,550
          Carrying amount                                 40,427,830        3,318,148      2,814,128    46,560,106
          Collateral held for credit impaired assets & assets at FVPL  105,427,207  10,488,120  13,414,052  129,329,379
          Credit cards Loss allowance                       47,645                -              -        47,645
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