Daily Operations

Open Banking
Open Banking
Current Account
Current Account
If you have a current account, you can make money transfers, credit card payments, service bill payments, and periodic payments. You have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of a bank advance, which enables you cash even when funds in your current account are not enough.
Salary Services
Salary Services
As an asset on their kind, BKT show special importance to public sector employees. The implementation of the public sector strategy has led to the use of some new products within this framework with "My salary" the package, which offers
Business Debit Cards
Business Debit Cards
Business Debit Card is a new product launched to help companies for a better daily cash management.
Business Credit Cards
Business Credit Cards
Credit Prima Cards for Business Prima was developed to meet the needs of business customers, as Corporate Business, as well as Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
POS Services
POS Services
If you want to open your online shop in internet from where you can sell your products and services 24 hours in 7 days, BKT offers ecommerce service in a secure environment for your customer payments.
Transfer & Pay
Transfer & Pay
Regardless of where you are you can trust your money transfer to BKT Banka Kombëtare Tregtare provides for all its customers the possibility to transfer money from various ways, depending on everyone’s needs and requirements.
You can make foreign currency purchases and sales at BKT with very favourable exchange rates.
Cheque Services
Cheque Services
Use BKT cheques, they are easy to carry. Cheques can actually be yet another useful tool for your company.
"Internet" Branch
"Internet" Branch
The Businesses can register and log-in directly on the Internet Branch for Businesses, which is available on the official website of BKT.
Contact Center
Contact Center
Banka Kombëtare Tregtare comes in market with a new channel of getting information and performing transactions, through Contact Center.
BKT Smart
BKT Smart
BKT Smart provides fast and secure banking services for business customers anywhere, anytime on your Smartphone, needless to go to BKT branches or have a computer.
ATM – SmartBanKomaT
ATM – SmartBanKomaT
If you see SuperBanKomaT logo, you can deposit money without entering a branch. (24 hours and 7 days), you can save time and enjoy the comfort of convenience.
Update Business Data
Update Business Data