Page 119 - Annual Report 2023
P. 119

ANNUAL REPORT 2023      50
                               Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2023
                                                                           (amounts in USD, unless otherwise stated)

          v. Concentrations of credit risk
          The Bank monitors concentrations of credit risk by sector and by geographic location. An analysis of concentrations of credit risk from
          loans and investment securities as at 31 December 2023 and 31 December 2022 is shown below:

                                        Loans to customers         Loans to banks          Investment Securities
                            Note     31 December   31 December   31 December   31 December   31 December   31 December
                                            2023        2022         2023         2022         2023        2022
          Carrying amount   9,10,11  1,694,028,984  1,383,681,949  134,830,538  138,246,339  3,416,247,364  2,558,621,973

          Concentration by sector
          Corporate                 882,738,293  753,572,033  3,396,419   -            360,933,122  342,014,464
          Government                794,872     1,355,346    4,692,563    16,465,437   2,480,597,956  2,030,613,264
          Banks                     -           -            126,741,556  129,428,887  574,716,286  539,163,650
          Retail                    810,495,819  628,754,570  -           -            -           -
          Total                     1,694,028,984  1,383,681,949  134,830,538  145,894,324  3,416,247,364  2,911,791,378

                                        Loans to customers         Loans to banks          Investment Securities
          Concentration by   Note
          location                   31 December   31 December   31 December   31 December   31 December   31 December
                                            2023        2022         2023         2022         2023        2022
          Albania                   978,277,354  767,785,462  -           -            1,661,623,750  1,527,106,476
          Kosovo                    670,879,294  558,697,265  -           -            39,803,280  44,769,360
          Europe                    11,584,104  21,525,333   89,655,048   92,977,620   1,119,504,537  813,078,001
          Asia                      -           -            3,613,272    19,755,072   219,772,164  218,982,412
          Middle East and Africa    -           -            41,562,218   33,161,632   124,531,273  113,629,254
          America                   33,288,232  35,673,889                             221,243,815  165,011,032
          Australia                 -           -            -            -            29,768,545  29,214,843
          Total             9,10,11  1,694,028,984  1,383,681,949  134,830,538  145,894,324  3,416,247,364  2,911,791,378

          (c) Liquidity risk
          Liquidity risk is the risk that the Bank will encounter difficulty in meeting obligations associated with its financial liabilities that are settled
          by delivering cash or another financial asset. The purpose of Liquidity Risk Management (LRM) is to ensure, as far as possible, that
          it will always have sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when due, under both normal and stressed conditions, without incurring
          unacceptable losses or risking damage to the Bank’s reputation. Bank’s LRM policy includes how the Bank identifies, measures,
          monitors and control that risk.

          Organization of LRM: Bank’s LRM Organization includes two different bodies in the monitoring and management of liquidity. The
          involvement of different bodies helps provide clear allocation of the responsibility for monitoring/reporting and management of Liquidity
          Risk. Day-to-day management of liquidity belongs to the Treasury Group but day-to-day monitoring of Liquidity risk and compliance to
          the limits belongs to the Risk Management Group. The main purpose of the Risk Management Group, which conducts daily overview
          of LRM reports, is to provide an early warning signal of liquidity risk to the senior management of the Bank.

          LRM Reports: Bank’s LRM policy includes sets of daily and monthly reports to be reviewed and monitored by Market Risk Department.
          Daily reports include Maximum Cumulative Outflow table and Cumulative Assets and Liabilities Breakdown table, which control
          respectively daily and monthly inflows/outflows of liquidity till 1-year maturity under “business as usual” scenario. Monthly reports
          include stress testing liquidity breakdown tables, which control daily and monthly inflows/ outflows of liquidity under separate bank
          specific and market specific crisis scenarios till 3-months maturity.

          The LRM approach of the Bank results in positive liquidity gaps for all time stages up to one year as at 31 December 2023. This resulted
          mainly because of the following three assumptions:
          •  Using statistical method and historical data (derived since 2001), the actual LRM reports include analysis into the behavioural re-
            investment pattern of deposits;
          •  Short term securities available for sale are considered liquid through the secured funding from Bank of Albania;
          •  Bank’s reserve requirements held with BoA are considered as non-liquid assets.
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