Pay with Prima and earn eXtra Bonus!
- 7 transactions – 500 ALL eXtra Bonus
- 15 transactions 2,500 ALL eXtra Bonus
- 30 or more transactions -5,000 ALL eXtra Bonus
Minimum amount of each transaction is 3,000 All.
- Valid will be considered transactions performed in physical POS and Online.
- If you own more than one Prima credit card you will be rewarded only once.
- In the same day in the same merchant will be counted only one transaction.
- Transactions which are canceled/reversed, mail orders and transaction which are used for advertisement purposes in online websites will be excluded in this campaign.
*22 February 2022 – 22 March 2022
Prima, the card of eXtra possibilities!
More eXtra Bonus points can be earned & redeemed in this list: https://bkt.com.al/en/daily-banking/credit-cards/prima-extra-bonus.
Accumulated points can be seen in BKT Smart application, under the submenu Credit cards and also in every BKT POS receipt.