
JCR Eurasia Rating reaffirms AAA (Alb) to BKT for the 10th time in a row

Tirana, Albania (20 June, 2018) - JCR-Eurasia Rating evaluated Banka Kombetare Tregtare (BKT) in a high-level investment category and affirmed Long Term National Credit Rating as ‘AAA (Alb)’ and Short Term National Credit Rating as ‘A-1+ (Alb)’, with ‘Stable’ outlooks on both ratings. The ratings on the Long Term International Foreign and Local Currency are affirmed as ‘BBB-’, one notch above the country ceiling level.

JCR Eurasia Rating is the Eurasian affiliate of Japan Credit Rating Agency, one of the most prestigious rating agencies in the world. AAA (Alb) stands for the highest possible evaluation within local market, showing that BKT is keeping its position as the most important player in the Albanian banking sector.

JCR-ER has observed that BKT maintains the position of the largest bank in the system with respect to assets, loans, deposits and net profit size criteria. The leading factors in the differentiation of BKT from the Sector and in the affirmation of the Bank’s Long Term National Ratings as ‘AAA (Alb)’ are: the broad deposit base with a favorable maturity structure, high internal profitability ratios and effective operating cost management, sufficient capitalization, significant position within the Albanian banking system and market leader position, a relatively low rate of problematic receivables vis-a-vis the Sector with widespread problem, in addition to strong corporate governance framework and level of compliance.

BKT, having the broadest branch network of the Sector, emphasizes the importance of spreading alternative distribution channels such as ATMs, internet and mobile banking in order to increase the quality of customer service. As always, a pioneer in implementing technological innovations, driven by customer requirements, BKT has turned its focus to digital banking channels with a banking approach that emphasizes risk-centered, productive, profitability and leading services. 

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