
Global Finance has announced its 32nd annual awards for the Best Banks in Central and Eastern Europe for 2025. During the awards ceremony, Global Finance recognized National Commercial Bank (BKT) as the “Best Bank in Albania for 2025”.

In its official press release, Global Finance emphasized that this year’s winners are those banks that demonstrated dedication and professionalism in meeting customer needs during a challenging period for financial markets, achieving strong results while laying solid foundations for future success.

Joseph D. Giarraputo, Founder and Editorial Director of Global Finance, stated in the press release:
“This year’s best banks are those that provided a wide range of financial services, demonstrated long-term stability, and invested in technological innovation—strengthening their credibility in building sustainable financial relationships with their clients.”

The evaluation of banks from 22 countries, territories, and regions across Central and Eastern Europe was conducted by Global Finance’s editorial team after an in-depth consultation process with corporate financial executives, bankers, banking consultants, and industry analysts worldwide.

Both quantitative and qualitative factors were considered during the selection process. Objective criteria included asset growth, profitability, geographic reach, strategic relationships, product development, and innovation in banking services. Subjective criteria took into account the opinions of equity analysts, credit rating analysts, banking consultants, and other experts in the banking industry.

Referring to this year’s awards, Joseph D. Giarraputo further added:
“The banking sector is facing new challenges while seizing multiple opportunities in a rapidly changing environment. The role of Artificial Intelligence is becoming increasingly important, transforming the financial industry at an unprecedented pace. The banks we have recognized this year have successfully adapted, managed risks wisely, and stayed ahead of market developments.”

The winners of this year’s awards will be honored at a Special Awards Ceremony, which will take place during the IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings on the morning of October 18, 2025, at the National Press Club, Washington, DC.

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