
Tirana, Albania (November 5, 2018) - "Aleksandër Moisiu" University Durrës (UAMD) organized the graduation ceremony of the students of the Faculty of Integrated Studies with Practice (FASTIP). The ceremony was held in Durrës, in the new premises of the UAMD campus.
The 11-year collaboration between BKT and FASTIP reveals year after year the success of this unique education system in Albania. Among all the representatives of public and private institutions, partners with FASTIP Program, the ceremony was attended by the Rector of Aleksandër Moisiu University Durrës, Mrs. Kseanela Sotirofski, Director of the Individual Banking Group Mr. Fatih Karlı, Director of the Human Resources Department, Mrs. Ariana Tushi, etc.
During her welcome speech, Mrs. Sotirofski, was very happy that UAMD auditors are not only educating students but also professionals, separating FASTIP students from all graduates across the country. "Any easy path is certainly not worth pursuing. Do not be discouraged from the hard start, be sure that you will achieve a lot, and we will be here to watching and applauding for all your successes. "
Further, Mrs. Tushi added that we are happy to be back together in this Graduation Ceremony of the Students of the Faculty of Integrated Studies with Practice. Based on the successful German model of dual studies, only students of this faculty have the great privilege of combining theoretical knowledge with learning through practical programs in banks and businesses.
 "We proudly note that over the years BKT has been and remains the main partner of FASTIP for realizing the dream of the youngest generation in preparing future employees/bankers with contemporary European education.
BKT supports FASTIP for the participation of foreign lecturers and experts in the academic program, which brings the difference in student education in relation to all public universities in Albania. I believe that a special pleasure, given from BKT to the students - graduates and their parents for this year 2018 - was the employment of the entire senior year group of 16 students in the period July - September 1st, much earlier than graduating!
BKT will continue to remain a serious partner, supporting the successful dual studies model at FASTIP, contributing to the younger generation’s (Zeta) professional formation, their employment, professional career development and life in our country. "
During these years, Banka Kombëtare Tregtare has supported, sponsored and educated through this program 184 students in Bachelor Degree in Banking Management: 126 graduates are employed directly after graduation and 37 students are attending studies in this academic year 2018 - 2019. Already, 11% of the staff Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (101 employees) are graduated from FASTIP, giving their contribution to the success of the bank, pursuing personal career paths, from the respected position of Teller to Branch Director, Assistant Manager of Department, Operations Manager, Auditor, etc.
Banka Kombëtare Tregtare and "Aleksandër Moisiu" University Durrës, during the 11-year experience of this public-private partnership program, work together as serious partners for the consolidation, increase and success of the Bachelor Degree Program.
FASTIP offers bachelor studies integrated with professional practice by alternating every 3 months academic education with professional practice programs in bank/business, and to all the successful students is offered their employment immediately after graduation from partner institutions.

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