
Banka Kombëtare Tregtare is awarded from Global Finance as ‘’The Best Bank in Albania for year 2024’’

Global Finance has announced its 31st annual awards for the Best Banks in Central and Eastern Europe for year 2024. During the ceremony Banka Kombëtare Tregtare was awarded from Global Finance as ‘’The best bank in Albania for year 2024’’.

In the press release Global Finance magazine states that the winners of this year’s awards are those banks that attended carefully to their customers’ needs in difficult markets and accomplished better results while laying the foundations for future success.

Joseph D. Giarraputo, founder and editorial director of Global Finance said “This year’s Best Bank Awards recognize the financial institutions that offer the broadest range of services as well as the reliability required for long-term financial relationships.”

The selection of these top banks amongst 22 countries of Central and Eastern Europe were made by the editors of Global Finance after extensive consultations with corporate financial executives, bankers and banking consultants, and analysts throughout the world. In selecting these top banks, Global Finance considered factors that ranged from the quantitative objective to the informed subjective. Objective criteria considered included: growth in assets, profitability, geographic reach, strategic relationships, new business development and innovation in products. Subjective criteria included the opinions of equity analysts, credit rating analysts, banking consultants and others involved in the industry.

Referring to the award, the Chief Executive Officer and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil said

’We are operating in a market which faces challenges both locally and regionally. When talking about local market, indeed the country the last years has experienced several shocks, but we have witnessed that the Albanian economy has passed all tests and has showed flexibility to absorb financial difficulties. We as BKT have always shown remarkable resilience not only on facing local and regional challenges successfully, but even overpassing every year our objectives.

We have a well-built solid operational banking model which allows us to face any challenge with a robust capital position, risk management and excess in liquidity. This allows us to be protected and safe.

Technology innovation is undisputable one of the key driving forces in the banking sector. It not only enables banks to streamline processes, increase efficiency and improve Customer Experience and meet increasing customer expectations but it is fundamental in the war against cyber threats.’’

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