
11 November 2021, Tirana. BKT Smart Invest, Global Investment Application has gotten approval from Financial Supervision Authority and it has been launched. Smart Invest is the first banking platform in Albania, allowing our clients to invest wide range of investment products from all over the world. This platform is now available to all BKT customers through the Internet Branch and BKT Smart.
CEO and Board Member of BKT, Mr. Seyhan Pencablıgil has briefly stated that “it is a revolution for the Albanian Finance market”.
“There are no boundaries investment opportunities like the visa free travel to Schengen. Until now, investment alternatives were quite limited for Albania; time deposits or Government Bonds have been major financial investments alternatives, doing business investments or real estate investments have been other longer-term options. Now, there are thousands of safe and sound investments’ alternatives with no boundaries. Our clients can invest to any stocks from US and Europe like Apple, Coca Cola and Daimler (Mercedes); buy/ sell any commodities like crude oil, copper, wheat; take position in precious metals like gold, silver and platinum”.
“We strongly suggest to our clients to try first demo accounts which will help them to understand better products and to avoid unnecessary risks. I believe our revolutionary investment platform would evolve financial literacy in Albania and people would learn about global financial trends and world economy.  Our product will contribute to grow an investor profile and investment culture in Albania”.
The Chief Executive Officer of AFSA, Mr. Ervin Mete announced that “AFSA is engaged in the approximation of the legal and regulatory framework with the EU legislation, which has created new opportunities for interconnection with international financial markets”.
“The new laws have increased standards and requirements for transparency and accountability, as essential elements of fostering investor confidence and participation in capital markets. This is the first platform of online investment services, which gives direct access to Albanian investors, offering the opportunity to invest in shares of international companies and a number of other financial instruments ", said the Chief Executive Officer of AFSA.
What is BKT SMART Invest?
BKT Smart Invest is an online platform (available on pc and mobile) allowing BKT’s clients to make investments globally without boundaries. Customers can choose among different alternatives of financial product and they may use the leverage depending on the financial instrument.
  • Investment to stocks in international companies in different countries like Apple, Alphabet (Google), Volkswagen, Alibaba, Shell, Pfizer Biontech etc. is possible. Even derivatives (CFDs-Contract for Differences) for the stocks can be traded. This allows professional investors to take larger position than initial capital investment amount.
  • Investment tools on stock indices from Nasdaq to Hong Kong 50 is available.
  • Any kind of commodities starting from energy including Brent and WTI Crude oil, precious metals including gold, silver, platinum etc. agricultural commodities including wheat, corn, coffee, sugar, cotton etc. metals including copper, hot-rolled coil steel, etc. can be traded. Even, contracts on carbon emissions quotas are available. Commodities trades may help our clients to protect themselves against risk caused by extreme price fluctuations.  
  • Mutual funds from different countries and different compositions can be bought and sold through the BKT Smart Invest Platform.
  • ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds), which are somehow basket of many securities can be traded in stock exchanges.
  • Forex, which is foreign exchange- leverage offers the opportunity for exchanges between foreign currencies during 24 hours.
For more information please visit our page

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