
FASTIP Graduation Ceremony
Tiranë, Albania (November 16th 2017) - “Aleksandër Moisiu” University, Durrës (UAMD) organized the graduation ceremony for Faculty of Integrated Studies with Practice students. The ceremony was held in Durrës, at “Horizont” Hotel premises.

This academic year corresponds with the 10th anniversary of the establishment of FASTIP and the cooperation of the Banka Kombëtare Tregtare with "Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durrës.

In ceremony participated the Rector of UAMD, Ms Kseanela Sotirofski, BKT CEO and Board Member Mr Seyhan Pencabligil and representatives of other public and private partner institutions with the FASTIP Program.

During her speech Ms Sotirofski expressed her gratitude to the businesses for their special contribution and immeasurable care in realizing and supporting this project, without which all these achievements in these 10 years of cooperation would not have been possible.

During his speech, Mr. Pencabligil said: I am very happy to have been together with you during the 10-year period of the FASTIP journey, this unique faculty in the education system in Albania. Based on the German model of dual studies, only students of this faculty have the great privilege of combining theoretical professional knowledge in the academic process, with learning through practical programs in banks and businesses. He continued his speech that in the future, BKT will remain a serious partner, supporting the successful FASTIP dual model, contributing not only to professional training of the new generation but also to the employment of the new generation to build their lives in our country.
It is my pleasure to note that 9% of BKT's banking staff are FASTIP graduates, who are highly committed, contributing to banks success and have implemented various career paths based on merit and performance, starting from Teller's respected position up to in their promotion as Branch Manager, Operations Manager, Auditor, etc.

In this ceremony, have been graduated 26 students, 13 of them were honored and pleased to be able to get their work contracts along with their diplomas, to be employed in the vacant job positions at BKT.

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