
 FASTIP Graduation Ceremony

Tirana, Albania (13 December 2016) – University “Aleksandër Moisiu”, Durrës (UAMD) organized the graduation ceremony for the students of the Faculty of Studies Integrated with Practice (FASTIP). The ceremony took place in Durres, at hotel “Harmonia”, on 13th December, 2016. 

Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) is a key partner for FASTIP at UAMD, and has contributed massively during these 9 years in this unique program of Public - Private Partnership, between the Albanian and German Government, UAMD and Albania Business Partners.

In the ceremony participated, Rector of the UAMD, Mrs. Kseanela Sotirofski, BKT CEO and Board Member, Mr Seyhan Pencabligil, Local Government representative, as well as representatives of the partners supporting the program.

During the ceremony, Mrs. Sotirofski, in occasion of the 10th Anniversary of UAMD, conferred the honorific title “Doctor Honorius Causa” to Mr. Pencabligil. During her speech, Mrs. Sotirofski 
express her gratitude to Mr. Pencabligil for his special contribution and immeasurable care in realizing and supporting this project, without which all these achievements would not have been possible.

Mr. Pencabligil, in his speech accepting the title, said “I'm honored to be here tonight, and very privileged and grateful to be the recipient of such an important recognition. I thank all of You for this memorable surprise, received in this beautiful graduation ceremony for the students of FASTIP”. He congratulated the students for such an achievement highlighting that: “The students of FASTIP must feel privileged for being part of such a unique faculty in Albania, where practice and theory are integrated during all the academic path”. He concluded his speech, emphasizing that “Banka Kombëtare Tregtare will continue to support FASTIP, not only in Albania but also in Kosovo, doing everything for the progress of integrated studies in FASTIP, now and in the future, making it a real success story of higher education. BKT, until now, has employed 97 FASTIP’s graduates (9% of actual BKT employees), sponsored 154 students, 44 students attending this academic year”.

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