
JCR Eurasia Rating reaffirms AAA (Alb) to BKT for the sixth time in a row
Tirana, Albania (May 28th, 2014) –   JCR-Eurasia Rating has evaluated Banka Kombëtare Tregtare Sh.A. in a high-level investment category and affirmed for the sixth time in a row its ratings on the Long Term National Scale as ‘AAA (Alb)’ along with a ‘Stable’ outlook. 

JCR Eurasia Rating is the Eurasian affiliate of Japan Credit Rating Agency, one of the most prestigious rating agencies in the world. 

AAA (Alb) stands for the highest possible evaluation within local market, showing that BKT is keeping its position as the most reliable and financially strong bank in Albania.

JCR-ER has observed that BKT, which has progressively increased its systemic effectiveness and market share via its high growth rates, consistently maintains its stable position within the Albanian Banking Sector.  BKT managed to maintain its above sector average performance with respect to the return on assets and equity through continual growth, generating a level of profit corresponding to almost half of the sector’s aggregate profit. The planned growth projections for the coming period together with the targeted profit increases are expected to place the Bank in the market-leader position within a few years the well-capitalized Bank’s generated internal resources will continue to be dynamic for its high growth. 

BKT is the second largest and the oldest commercial bank in Albania with a total of 2.7 billion USD in assets and 2.2 billion of USD in deposits. BKT network includes 85 branches out of which 61 are situated in Albania and 24 of them in Kosovo, making BKT the biggest Albanian bank in the region.

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