
Tirana, Albania (December 1, 2013) - Banka Kombëtare Tregtare has reaffirmed its position as “The Best Bank in Albania” for 2013. The international preeminent financial magazine “The Banker” has appraised BKT’s successful financial management, sustainable growth in profitability and market share and innovative banking services. The award was submitted to BKT’s Chairman, Mr. Mehmet Usta, and CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil, in the gala dinner organized for the occasion in London. 
The Banker, the banking sector’s magazine of Financial Times, is the world's premier banking and finance resource. Read in over 180 countries around the world, The Banker is the key source of data and analysis for the banking industry. The evaluation by this magazine for the third time in the last four years as “The Best Bank in Albania”, confirms the growth of the capacities and the significant role of BKT within the Albanian banking system. This award testifies that despite the bitter conditions in the Albanian economy, BKT has proved to be the leader of the market in quality, management and service innovation, and the expertise to support and expand its clientele.
During the awards ceremony in London, the Chairman Mr. Usta emphasized that: “We are proud to take this award on behalf of all our employees and our customers, who have trusted in BKT’s energy, human capital and knowhow. We believe that our success will inspire many other Albanian enterprises to perform better and contribute to the Albanian economy.”
Three awards within 2013 
During 2013 BKT has managed to gather all three major “The Best Bank in Albania” awards provided by the most important international financial institutions: Euromoney, The Banker and EMEA Finance. The acknowledgement of BKT’s CEO Mr. Seyhan Pencabligil as “The CEO of the Year in Europe” has been another clear evidence of BKT’s regional success.
One of the two largest banks 
BKT, which leads the market in retail banking, is the second largest and the oldest commercial bank in Albania, having a total asset value of 2.5 billion USD and a total deposit of 2 billion USD.  BKT network includes 84 branches, out of which 60 are located in Albania and 24 in Kosova, becoming the largest Albanian bank in the region. Since its privatization in 2000, BKT is the only bank in Albania that has been constantly rated with the highest possible ratings. 
Continuous growth
Despite the low economic growth in Albania, BKT has managed to be the only bank that has increased its profitability and market share. BKT CEO Mr. Pencabligil said that: “Unlike our competitors, we have been able to grow and generate profit in good times as well as during the last crisis. Our main motivation is the belief that Albanians deserve more and better of what they have, banking included.”

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