
Tirana, Albania (July 14, 2021) - Banka Kombëtare Tregtare signed a cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Economic, University of Tirana near the new premises of the reconstructed building.
During his welcoming speech, the Dean of the Faculty of Economic, University of Tirana, Mr. Kule, expressed his happiness for signing the agreement, emphasizing that BKT is one of the best institutions in the country and in the banking sector, these thanks to the direction of Mr. Seyhan.
He added that this agreement was being implemented in the new premises of the Faculty of Economic. The best students of this faculty will have the opportunity to complete teaching internships, to receive scholarships from BKT during professional internships.
In 2014, the president of the Çalık Holding, Mr. Ahmet Çalık was honored with the title Honoris Causa by the University of Tirana, thus starting a successful collaboration between two institutions. Thanks to CEO of BKT for his vision and the contribution given in our country, I want to wish success to this cooperation with the conviction that we will realize even better projects in the future.
CEO and Board Member, Mr. Seyhan Pencablıgil, added: For many years BKT has collaborated with the University of Tirana, with Professor Mr. Dhori Kule.
As Mr. Kule mentioned, the Faculty of Tirana is the best university over the years. Since the first time I came to Albania, 21 years ago, the University of Tirana was the best and still continues to be so, thanks to Prof. Dr. Kule and other executives over the years.
BKT has also cooperated with the Faculty of Economics and most of the bank employees are from this faculty. If we are a successful bank, and we are in fact, it is thanks to this faculty, as most of the staff has graduated from this university. Our collaboration will continue even further to highlight the best students who will be the professionals of the future. We are also cooperating with Aleksander Moisiu University in Durres as well as other universities. I am very happy to be in this new environment of this faculty, and I invite you to visit our new BKT facilities.
BKT will continue to remain a serious partner, contributing to the younger generation’s and professional formation, their employment, professional career development and life in our country.

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