
JCR Eurasia Rating reaffirms BKT as ‘AAA (Alb) for Corporate Governance

Tirana, Albania (27 November, 2019) – JCR Eurasia Rating, during periodic review reaffirmed for the 12th time in a row Banka Kombëtare Tregtare (BKT) with score 89.69 ‘AAA (Alb)’ and also with a stable outlook in Long Term National Rankings. The grade assigned to BKT signifies a Distinctive Level of Compliance with the principles of the Albanian’s Corporate Governance Code and its Notch degree to the level a/Excellent. Here you can check the Full Report

JCR Eurasia Rating is the Eurasian affiliate of Japan Credit Rating Agency, one of the most prestigious rating agencies in the world. AAA (Alb) stands for the highest possible evaluation within local market, showing that BKT is keeping its position as the most important player in the Albanian banking sector.

JCR-ER has observed that BKT maintains the position of the largest bank in the system in terms of total assets, equity and deposits size criteria. The leading factors in the differentiation of BKT from the Sector and in the affirmation of the Bank’s Long Term National Ratings as ‘AAA (Alb)’ are: investment to digitalize in field of internal audit, internal control and risk management, existence of a female member in the Board, existence of an Audit and a Risk Committees, adequate transparency and disclosure on the Bank’s web site in English and Albanian, well-educated internationally experienced and skillful top management and strong level of compliance with Corporate Governance Code framework in Albania.

In addition to the widespread branch network, the Bank facilitates the use of digital channels, including a 24/7 Contact Center which also offers Interactive Voice Response & Telephone Banking, latest technology of ATMs SelfService ’80 Series (touchscreen) and also mobile and internet banking facilities. BKT promotes and continuously invests in fintech solutions with focus on increasing the products offered via online channels and customer satisfaction, thus preserving our heritage as the oldest bank in Albania we focus on innovation.

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