
Tukish Investor in Albania and Kosovo
Mr. Ahmet Çalık is honored with Order of the Rising Sun of Japan

After a fruitful 30 years of cooperation, Mr. Ahmet Çalik is awarded with the high order of Japanese Emperor. In Albania Çalik Holding is present with its investments in the largest companies in banking and telecommunications sectors. In Kosovo investments include banking and energy

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Çalık Holding, Mr. Ahmet Çalık, one of the major foreign investors in Albania, through ALBtelecom and BKT companies was honored with the title "The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon" awarded by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan. On this occasion a ceremony with honored representatives of the Japanese Business Community was held.

In the speech given at the ceremony, Mr. Çalik said: “The Order of the Rising Sun” awarded to me by Japanese Emperor, shows the deep friendship between Turkey and Japan, that I see as a valuable indicator of successful cooperation between Turkish and Japanese companies. I will keep this outstanding appraisal made to me, through this Order, with a great proud throughout my life".

Mr. Çalık highlighted that partnership with Japanese companies’ dates back to 1990s, and they have experienced a process of mutual respect and commitment for more than 30 years. He also emphasized that the Japanese Business Community had a great role in the award receiving and thanked everyone having contributed for this award.

Mr.Çalik added that he wholeheartedly believes that with the will of Mitsubishi Corporation's senior executives and with the support of the Japanese Credit Institutions, an even greater success will be achieved in the future. He also added that he wholeheartedly believes that even a greater success shall be reached with the will of Top Managers of Mitsubishi Corporation and the support of Japanese Credit Institutions.

Following the awarding of this high order last July in a ceremony organized in Istanbul, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Çalık Holdin, Mr. Ahmet Çalık has already met with representatives of the Japanese Business Community in Tokyo. The reception organized in the building of Japanese Business Federation-Keidanren was attended by the Turkish Ambassador in Tokyo Mr. Murat Mercan, the Japanese Ambassador of Turkey Mr. Akio Miyajima, the Advisor of the Council of Ministers of Japan Mr. Isao Iijima, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of SECOM Company Mr. Yasuo Nakayama, the Chairman of the Heavy Industries Group of Mitsubishi Mr. Atsushi Maekawa and the Chairman of Mitsubishi Corporation Mr. Takehiko Kakiuchi, it was also attended by High Level Leaders of Japanese State, Ambassadors, Managers and Members of Japanese Business Federation (Keidanren), top managers of entities such as JBIC, JICA, Hitachi, and Çalık Holding Partners in Japan, and a high interest was shown by Potential Investors and Representatives of Japanese Business World.

About Çalık Holding

Çalık Holding operates in 22 countries with 25,000 employees in fields of energy, construction, mining, textiles, finance, telecommunications and digitalization.

Çalık Holding is known for its reputation, credibility and strong financial structure within the framework of its ongoing activities exercising in different regions of the World. The Holding develops working models and has successful and innovative work progresses, by assuring thereby a sustainable development in fields of business where it is focused. Çalık Group has had a successfully collaborating with the Japanese Business Community for over 30 years term of time.

In year 2015, a Partnership Agreement was signed between Çalık Enerji, one of the Çalık Group associations, and Mitsubishi Corporation.

Whereas in year 2019, Secom Company, a global company in the field of security and life technologies, together with Aktif Bank, one of the Companies of the Group, established a joint venture.

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