
Turkey-Albania Agricultural Business Forum

Tirana, Albania (March 28th, 2017) - In the framework of the one-day visit in Albania, Minister of Food, Agriculture and Livestock H.E. Faruk ÇELİK participated in Turkey-Albania Agricultural Business Forum at Plaza Hotel in Tirana. 

The Turkey-Albania Agricultural Business Forum was attended by various entrepreneurs of the sector from both countries and Personalities like Turkey Minister of Food, Agriculture and Livestock H.E. Faruk ÇELİK, Albanian Minister for Agriculture, Rural Development and Water Administration H.E Edmond Panariti, BKT’s Chairman Mr. Mehmet Usta as the President of DEİK\Turkey-Albania Business Council (DEİK stands for The Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey),  TOBB Member of the Board of Directors, Mr. Faik Yavuz (TOBB stands for The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey).

Mr. Mehmet Usta, during his speech in the forum, stated that Turkey has been and remains Albania’s strategic partner in the region and beyond. He added that agriculture is a key economic sector in countries bordering the Mediterranean and Albania offers a great opportunity to foreign investors via its legal framework and economy, emphasizing the importance of the free trade agreement between two countries. I believe we can develop efficient projects to improve agricultural production and cooperation; we can transfer know-how for advanced technologies in agriculture, irrigation and greenhouse systems to contribute Albanian Agriculture sector. As a corporate investor representing the Çalik Holding, we are sharing our positive opinions and advising to Turkish companies to invest in Albania.

He concluded that as the Chairman of BKT, we have a special agreement with Turkish Exim (Export-Import) Bank to finance Turkish and Albanian businessmen to increase investment, trade and business volume between the countries. It may give many opportunities to investors considering to make investment in Albania.

In the framework of this Forum, Banka Kombetare Tregtare (BKT), organized a friendly meeting with representatives and investors from both countries in the premises of Plaza Hotel, offering a further opportunity to participants to exchange insights and set up business relationships. 

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