Mr. Ndue Maluta was graduated in 1989 from Agricultural University of Tirana, Faculty of Finance. His banking career started in 1995 when he joined Banka Kombëtare Tregtare as working as manager of one of BKT branches. He has an experience of more than 22 years in BKT.
During his long experience in banking sector he has covered different managerial positions such as Branch Manager, Chief of Finance Department, Head of Compliance & Control Division and starting from 2001 he holds the position of Compliance Officer. In 2011, he was appointed Head of Risk Management Group of Banka Kombetare Tregtare. As a Head of Risk Management Group has the responsability to control the implementation of the Risk Management framework, to define the principles for risk identification, measure, monitor and control across the organization, to implement the process to regularly monitor the risk profiles, material losses and to defines policies and criteria for evaluating and managing risks.
For many years, he has been an active partecipant in the projects and ëorkshops organised both in Albania and abroad, specifically on anti-money laundering, combating financing of terrorism, financial crime and compliance issues. He has been certified by ACAMS (Advancing Financial Crime Proffessionals World Wide) which is a required standard in AML certifications and recognized internationally by financial institutions, governments and regulators as a serious commitment to protecting the financial system against money laundering. Further he serves as Chairman of ICC Albania Banking Commissions and as a member of Financial Crime Risk and Policy Task Force of International Chamber of Commerce Paris. For many years he serves also as Chairman of AML & Compliance Committee at Albanian Banking Association and he still keeps this position. He is also member of Institute of Authorized Chartered Auditors of Albania and keep the License as Authorized Accounting Experts since 2001.

Mr. Emini was graduated in 1998 from the University of Istanbul and holds a Bachelor degree in Economics. He also holds a Master degree in Finance from Tirana University. Before joining BKT he has worked in Istanbul at Rodi Giyim San. ve Tic. A.S. as Accounting and Finance Department Chief, then in 2000 he has worked in Kentbank at the Internal Audit Department. In November 2000, he joined Banka Kombetare Tregtare as internal auditor and in 2002 was promoted as Manager of Financial Control Department. Later on in 2007 he was further promoted as Financial Control, Planning and Reporting Division Head and since October 2011 is Finance Group Head.