BKT Banking Group


BKT Banking Group, with the continuous support of Çalik Group, is one of the main actors in Albania’s and Kosovo’s financial markets.
As one of the main actors, the BKT Banking Group is committed to increasing the well-being and economic growth in the countries were it operates.
BKT Banking Group, led by BKT Sh.a., the top bank in Albania, upholds the highest ethical and professional standards in compliance with legal and regulatory frameworks of the jurisdictions were it operates as well as international best practices and standards.
By confidently pursuing sustainable growth, BKT Banking Group continuously provides innovative value-added products, services, and solutions to a broad range of customers, through a consolidated service platform via its 84 branches in Albania and Kosovo.
Composition of the BKT Banking Group:

BKT Sh.a.
Address: Rruga e Vilave, Lundër 1, 1045, Tirana, Albania
BKT Pay Sh.a.
Address: Rreshit Çollaku Street, cadastral area 8380, number property 6/340, Tirana
BKT Kosovo Sh.a.
Address: Rr. Ukshin Hoti, No. 29, Pejton Town, Pristina, Kosovo.