Win “LAPTOP HP” – Mobile Recharge and Payments for TV
Participants in the promotion activity will be the clients who will perform:
- Mobile recharge according to operators that operate in the market such as:
- ALBtelecom mobile
- Vodafone
- Telekom Albania
- Pay TV as:
- Tring
- Digitalb
Payments must be made through the channels as follows to be considered part of this lottery:
1. Mobile Banking
2. E-Banking
3. ATM
The client that will be declared winner will benefit “LAPTOP HP”.
Any recharge performed through these channels will generate a "ticket" participating in the promotion activity. All valid transaction will be collected within the period defended for the throw of promotion activity and from the tickets generated from these transactions one (1) winner will be selected respectively: April 2020, August 2020 and December 2020.
Mobile Recharge and Payments for TV staff are included in this prize.
*The winner of “LAPTOP HP” will be excluded from the following promotion activity during Year 2020.